Tuesday, October 04, 2005


I had 2 packages to mail. It was a quarter to 5 and I knew I had better get going. One was to my son at college, the other to my neice who is in the hospital. I wanted these out today. So off I went.

While driving through the neighborhood, I saw a firetruck returning to the station. Shortly afterwards, I noticed flashing lights behind me. Gosh, I better get to the side of the road so this officer can get by me. I quickly pulled over next to the fire station.

Imagine my surprise, as I glanced in my rearview mirror, and saw the officer had pulled up right behind me. Was I getting pulled over??? Oh my goodness! I have been driving for 27+ years and have never gotten a ticket. It's amazing how your mind races in just a few short moments. I have been telling my teenage kids about how I've never gotten a ticket, bragging I suppose. Hmmm...pride goes before a fall. The next thought was, gosh, maybe if I am nice and smile he will be merciful to me. I look in the mirror again, he isn't out of his vehicle yet.

Maybe he just happened to be in a hurry to get to the fire station. Maybe I'm not really being pulled over. How long should I wait before driving off? Oh wait, the door is opening. It's a female officer...I'm sunk! (What kind of attitude is that????)

I pull out my driver's license and unroll my window. The officer asks me if I know why I'm being pulled over. "Uhhh...no, I really don't."

"Well, you didn't make a complete stop at that stop sign back there."

Gosh, how many times have I told my kids how important it is to make complete stops at the stop signs. We have 3 of them in a row to get out of our neighborhood. I don't know how often I see cars blow right through them, hardly slowing down. I am always careful to completely stop.

"I am usually more careful, and honestly, I was in a hurry to get to the post office."

"Can I see your registration?"

I opened the glove box and grabbed the first piece of paper and handed it over.

"This is your proof of insurance, try the other one."

Fumbling again, I pull the other sheet out.

"I'll try to make this quick for you," and she began walking back to her vehicle with my license and registration.

I hang my head in shame as cars are passing. These are my neighbors. How many of them know me and are going to ask me about it later? How embarrassing to be one street away from your home and be facing the humiliation of breaking the law.

The officer hands me my paperwork and her business card. "I'll just give you a warning, but make sure you make a complete stop next time."

I drove away humbled and thankful.


Hindsfeet said...

I've been driving longer than a couple of decades, too, and never have had a ticket either... I guess I'd better not get to prideful of that fact!

truevyne said...

Dear Truth,
I drive too fast and have gotten three tickets (I think) over the years. The last one was two years ago when I moved to my new town. Only after my ticket did my sister test and see that my speedometer was off by 10 MPH faster. Also, I got a ticket for outdated tags.
There are many times I've cried my way out of tickets. I'm thankful for mercy.