Sunday, June 18, 2006

Seven Things I Say

A Meme

The Laundry Lady over at Under the Laundry Pile tagged me for this Meme. Since I've not been keeping up with my blog, I thought it'd be a good way to get going again. So here they are:

1. "Who wants to go to the store with me?...I'm taking "my" car."

2. "No, you can't go. I'm taking my car."

3. "Dear" (this has to be said dragged out, as in "deeeeeeear.") My kids told me once that I called their dad "dear." After vehemently denying it, I was caught red-handed later that same day. The reason I didn't think I said it was I suppose it isn't said very en'dear'ingly. I use dear when I am slightly irritated and yet trying to be nice. Otherwise, he is honey or sweetie-not dear.

4. "Dinner's ready."

5. "Who left the hair straightener on?"

6. "Did the mute button quit working?" Or "Can you turn that thing down?"

7. "I need a Starbucks."

I tag Supermom, Melanie, and Char.

1 comment:

Heth said...

I love #5. Number seven sounds good to me! Should we meet at the one by your house or by mine? :)