Monday, June 19, 2006


What's In Your Heart?

What's in your heart? I know the "right" answer is Jesus. I was thrilled each time my kids could truthfully give the right answer. But this phrase has taken on a new meaning.

When Michael returned from New Jersey, he said he had something for me. He presented me with a lovely little black box with this inside:

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It is a "What's In Your Heart" pendant. You purchase it empty, then fill with charms of your choice (according to how much you want to spend.) This is probably one of the single most romantic things Michael has ever done. He added our initials to it, chose a heart with my birthstones, a ruby for my son and grandson, and a diamond for my girls. How sweet is that? I was totally suprised and amazed.

Naturally, my girls each wanted one, so I went online to find information. Apparently these are just becoming popular. What made them popular was an actress from Desperate Housewives who wore one on a talk show. I've never seen the show, nor do I care to. But I am ever so happy with what's in my heart-both the pendant and my own.


Melanie said...

How sweet! Never seen one of those before.

Heth said...

Oh, ten points for Michael. That was amazing!

Carolanne said...

That's beautiful!
Well done to Michael for being so thoughtful!!

Anonymous said...

that is so beautiful!!! I love it

Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful husband!

FLmom7 said...

How sweet, what a great gift.