Tuesday, October 03, 2006


None of us knows what today holds. I can look at my calendar or my to-do list and see what is scheduled, but how often is that a true picture of the day? Saturday I blocked off the entire day for the big Homecoming Game and Dance two of my girls were planning to attend. It's a good thing. It took the entire day. (Wish I could post a picture of the two of them together, but the timing was off and we had to rush out the door with one to get to the festivities.) I was exhausted by 8:00p.m. My girlfriend called; the one who helped so much getting the girls ready. She wanted to go to a movie. All I really wanted to do was rest, but went anyway.

Sunday morning I get a call, "Can you come get me ASAP?" I was still dripping from the shower. I don't like leaving the house with wet hair and no makeup, but I did. I could tell from my daughters voice something wasn't quite right. Apparently, she'd awoke with violent protests originating from her stomach. I wish she'd warned me BEFORE I left the house. I would never have taken my, never-been-vomitted-in car.

On Monday, I was a bit behind from the weekend. This is also my grocery shopping day. Michael had a 9 a.m. Dr. appointment that I agreed to go to with him. Walking out the door, my cell phone rings. It is another daughter. I missed the call, so phoned her back as we were driving. I hear a quivering voice, "What are you doing?" I quickly give her the details and ask what is wrong. "How soon can you get here? I am going to the ER and I need someone to take Ethan." I told her I'd be there as soon as we were finished at the appointment. Why is it when you are in a hurry the doctor is running an hour late for his first appointment of the day?

I look at my calendar for today. I need to add grocery shopping to the list. I don't know what today will hold or what phone call I may get. But I know the One who does. And if I listen, I will be prepared for interruptions. I need to pay attention to the little promptings that in retrospect I will see the pieces of the puzzle fitting together. Saturday I left a towel in my car that I needed on Sunday. Last week I made an extra pan of enchiladas and put it in the freezer. It made a nice dinner when I wasn't here. I normally don't freeze that last bit of roast beef, but I packed 2 lovely sandwiches into lunch boxes this morning. If I am attentive to that still, small voice, I can have peace in the midst of the storm.

1 comment:

Carolanne said...

Someone once said that we shouldn't view them so much as "interruptions" but rather as God opportunities.... or something like that.
I'm learning to realise that being flexible is probably a prerequisite to surviving a day filled with unexpected happenings, if I want to stay "sane". :)