They arrived the day before. I stayed up late that night, after everyone had gone to bed, baking pies. I must have been tired, as I didn't hear my children wake before me. How must that look to the grandparents? A mother who doesn't get up and have breakfast waiting for her children? I dressed quickly and went to the kitchen. There stood my little boy.
"Yum, yum! This is good Mommy."
He was covered in orange and was eating the middle of both pumpkin pies. This was before digital cameras, but I doubt I would have grabbed the camera. I started to cry.
Thankfully, I have the best inlaws in the world and should not have worried. In fact they probably cooked more of the dinner than I did. They were such a help and so encouraging. After that I never felt I needed to impress them. They'd had 5 kids and understood little boys enjoyed eating pumpkin pie. Somehow, when you are a grandparent you don't stress over those things. That is why when 18 years later I awoke to find Mr. Ethan eating the middles of the pumpkin pie, I grabbed my camera. I love being a grandparent!

Great story and great photos! Much too funny!
Love the photo!
And it's a great post too.
Wonderful memories! Funny that you have yet another generation of pie eaters! *Smile*
I love the middle of the pumpkin pie best too! With five kids of my own I am getting better of letting go. I think I will be a good Grandma. My two youngest are already getting a better me than the oldest three.
now i am NEEDING some punkin' pie.
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