Friday, December 01, 2006

December 1st

How did that happen? Do the days get shorter as we get older? Everyone tells me it is just my imagination, but I think it must be true. I remember being in 1st grade. The school day was at least 10 hours long, no kidding. There is no way it was any shorter. My mom says no, it was only a 6 hour school day. Surely the school had 90 minute hours on their clocks.

I remember after 3 long months of school December would finally arrive. But was it really only 25 days until Christmas? It seemed like an eternity. I'm telling you, the days were twice as long.

December is here again. Yes, Christmas will be here in 25 days. No, that is not 25 long days. Those 25 days are the short ones. They whir past. If I am not careful, I will wake up tomorrow and it will be the 18th. I'll blink and suddenly it's Christmas Eve. How does this happen?

I want to go back to the good old days when time moves a little more slowly. I don't like waiting, but somewhere along the way I missed the average days. I went straight from long, drawn-out days to time warp speed, not-able-to-finish-anything. Trust me, when they say "Christmas is just around the corner," believe it. I just hope when I'm out shopping this afternoon I don't accidently run into it. I can't have time going any faster.


Anonymous said...

I'm definitely not a warp speed kind of person! I miss the longer hours too! *Smile*

Randi said...

I can certainly understand you on this one! Where has this year gone??? I can't believe that I will have to start writing 2007 on checks pretty soon!

Anonymous said...

Ha ha!
Time flies when you're having fun

It's strange that it gets dark so early now and it seems that 2006 has flown by!

God bless
Maria in the UK

Anonymous said...

I am now 68, have 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 6 great-grandchildren. Time indeed does fly. Thank for the post.

Blessings and joy.

Shirley Buxton