Michael and I contemplated changing the date yet again, but decided to just go anyway. I grumbled that we'd yet to be able to mill around downtown, see the city lights, walk the 16th Street mall, or take a carriage ride during the Christmas Season. It always seemed to be very cold or snowy the day we chose. Okay, we're wimps when it comes to the cold.
One of the kids asked, "well, why did you get married in December?" Um...err...well, that is just when it was convenient. (They all know why.) Besides, we lived in Arizona. It doesn't snow in Phoenix.
Friday morning it was snowing. Michael had to go into the office for a meeting. I figured I'd shovel our enormous driveway so we could get away early. Eight inches of newly fallen snow. I could do it. What I'd forgotten were the huge piles of snow along the side of the driveway. It wasn't a matter of just tossing the shovel fulls to the side. They had to be hoisted up a good 3 feet or more. The neighbors were probably laughing as they watched me scoop and attempt to throw. In an almost mocking way, the snow would tumble down the hill and back onto the driveway. I fought with the heavy wet stuff for a couple of hours. I only fell once on some ice, but I won.
Michael and I made it to our romantic getaway.

Oh Joanne, it sounds wonderful! Looking at the desserts alone convinced me.
That's great!
That "room service" dessert looks very delicious and now I'm feeling hungry. LOL
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