It's hard to believe you've closed the door to your teen years. What happened to my little Gerber baby with the infectious smile?

Very quickly, that baby turned into a laughing, forever-singing toddler. You loved singing and entertaining anyone who'd pay attention. There was no such thing as a stranger. You welcomed everyone into your world.

Remember how you'd play dress-up for hours and hours? Or making tea and crumpets with your kitchen set? Your golden brown hair, pulled up in crooked pigtails, would bounce as you "cooked." You'd talk and talk in your singsong voice as you'd offer freshly baked cookies.

I remember a girl in second grade who wanted to be a cheerleader. You went to cheer camp and performed at a high school basketball game. Two ladies in front of me saw you amidst the sea of girls and couldn't get over how cute you were. I wanted to say, "that's my girl!" But before I could you waved and curtsied my direction and they thought you were waving to them and they waved back. You brought out the best in others. It wasn't but 7 or 8 years later that you were in high school drawing the crowd to their feet.

Do you recall that summer we took your cousin Jeremy to church for the first time? You both were 8. You had such a tender heart. You loved to dance and worship. You were explaining to Jeremy what it was going to be like in service, and how much he would enjoy it. "And something happens in there," you told him "and it's ok if you cry. It's not like it's because you are sad. You're happy. But God just touches you and sometimes you just start crying. But don't worry. My mom has tissues in her purse if you need them." What you didn't realize, is not everyone experienced what you did. It was precious. I'll bet you remember getting baptized too. You kept practicing how you'd hold your nose and asking if you were doing it right. You looked so little in the tank, but turned and waved to the crowd. You then bobbed up and down excitedly until it was your turn.
In 6th grade, my little girl struggled at school. You couldn't figure out why your friends didn't want to spend more time with their families. You told me I was your best friend and always would be. I wanted to hold onto that forever.
You finally became a teenager, a bit later than your peers and phone became your new best friend.

Now here you are, all grown up.

Happy Birthday Elisabeth! I love you!
Happy birthday, Elisabeth! What a sweet tribute from your loving mom. :)
Oh my goodness look at her! She is beautiful. That was really fun to read, I love the part about mom having tissues in her purse, and I am seriously impressed by her cheerleading skills! Wow!
Happy Birthday Elisabeth!
Happy Birthday, Elisabeth! *Smile*
She's lovely, mom!
This is beautiful. Your daughter is beautiful and I know who she gets that from! :)
(Her parents)
Awwww!!! That is so completely beautiful! Happy Birthday (a little belated) to Elisabeth! My firstborn is Elizabeth as well, although she goes by her middle name, Rose...and she'll be 20 this year too!
The part about crying at church was just oh so sweet. It happens to me too, but I am usually caught without tissues!
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