Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Thanks Mom & Dad!

Thanks Mom & Dad!

For Pom Practice, we carpool with another girl. The other day, Hilary related how unpleasant the drive home was. The other girl, I'll call her Hannah, has her permit. Her mother decided to let her drive home. Apparently, as she merged onto the highway, Hannah cut another car off nearly causing an accident. For the rest of the drive, the mother berated her daughter for her foolishness. Hilary said, "mom, it was so awkward! Poor Hannah was trying to drive but she was crying so hard. Why would her mom do that?"

In my mind, I can hardly imagine what the mother was thinking. Couldn't she have waited until they got home? If the near miss scared her, why wasn't she concerned about distracting her daughter's driving with her non-stop criticism? Did she think her daughter would be more focused through sobs and tears?

I am not a perfect parent. My parents were not perfect parents. But I am thankful, that it was not their habit of berating us for mistakes or wrong doings. In a tense or stressful situation we will often revert back to our early training and parent accordingly.

When something awful happens, I am not tempted to swear. I am always surprised when I hear foul language spewing forth from an otherwise "normal" parent. Once again, I have my own parents to thank. It certainly isn't anything within myself. It's just that my parents didn't swear when they were angry or upset. Consequently, when autopilot kicks in during a difficult moment, 4 letter words do not spill out.

I just hope that somehow I have provided good habits and examples for my own children. And with that hope, comes the belief that my grandchildren will benefit. Afterall, my children have enjoyed the benefit that came from having grandparents who parented with integrity, kindness, and love. Thanks Mom & Dad!


Julie said...

You are so right, Joanne! I am thankful too for the good habits that were modeled for me by my parents that kept me from many a temptation.
Good post!

PS> thank you for the encouraging comment on my blog.

Lori said...

Hey Joanne, you have been such an inspiration to me. I have the awesome opportunity to give you the Blogger Reflection Award. Congrats!


Anonymous said...

What a thoughtful post. I know that there are many things I have done that I gladly pass onto my children, for life, but I wonder if my "lecture" mode will be one that will come back to haunt me and them as parents.

Carolanne said...

I am also thankful for the Godly example my parents set for us. Like you, swearing is not something I do even in the heat of the moment and when I do hear it, I tend to cringe.

Great post, Joanne!

Melany aka Supermom said...

You are right. It's sad that the mom continued to degrade her. Like you said - that wasn't the time or place

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

I'm with you 100%!