I received a comment from Mylinda the other day, directing me to her blog. I was a little surprised that she'd awarded me the Mathetes award.
"Mathetes" is the Greek word for disciple. The Mathetes Award originated at Management By God and is given to those who exemplify the life of a disciple of Christ by having a heart to share God's Word and further His kingdom by carrying His message to the ends of the earth.

Mylinda is definitely worthy of this award. Check out her blog if you haven't already. And now I must nominate 5 others for this award. I have been reading some newer blogs (or at least new to me,) that I'd like to share.
Kristin at Yankee Mom
Ann at Small Town Life
Julie at Pearls In A Nutshell
truevyne at The True Vine
Pam at Pinnacle, Pitfalls, and Potty chairs
Annie at My Life as Annie & Pray for Izzy
Dan King prayed this prayer over his nominees. I pray the same for mine and for the rest of my fellow bloggers who exemplify the life of a disciple of Christ.
I pray a blessing over the bloggers that receive this award, and ask that the Holy Spirit use them mightily as they share the Word of God with the world around them. May all of their efforts be fruitful, and their words carry the anointing of the Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name, Amen!
Thank you so much for the add, Joanne, and the nomination. I'd never heard of this before. It's a good reminder that our blogs can be used for the glory of God!
Thank you so much and thank you for the prayer. Amen!
Thank you for the blessing, Joanne!
That is our prayer ,isn't it, that God would take our humble efforts and multiply them as fruit in His kingdom.
Thank you so much, Joanne! I completely agree with your comment on Mylinda's blog, about how we share the gospel with others and don't even realize it.
Thank you for all the smiles and encouragement you bring us through your blog (and fabulous recipes too!!) I've really enjoyed reading your blog, Joanne!
We did make it home, the trip went pretty well. We'll be driving out there again in a month or so to find a home. We move the first week of February.
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