Monday, November 26, 2007

Over the weekend, we listened to a lot of Christmas music. We laughed a lot, as we found out some members of the family enjoyed different lyrics to the same songs. I wonder how often this happens.

I remember singing, "by the donzer lelight," as the National Anthem was played. I had no idea what it meant-along with much of the rest of it. As a child, hymns sung in church were often imagination stimulators, as I'd try to figure out what in the world I was singing about. Even with the printed words in front of me, I was often clueless.

Just as curious, were the songs we sang in Sunday School.

"This little light of mine. I'm gonna let it shine...hide it under a bushel, no!" I knew all of the hand motions and loved to sing it, but I wondered what kind of a light was I not going to hide? I knew if you put a burning candle under a basket it might start a fire, so I wouldn't do that. But how was I going to keep satan from blowing it out?

Another one was:

"Give me oil in my lamp, keep it burning...keep it burning till the break of day." Then we'd sing Hosanna's. (Another elusive word, that I tried to imagine what hidden meaning there might be.)

"Are you washed, in the blood, in the soul-cleansing blood of the lamb?" I didn't get that one either.

Many of you reading, may have no idea what I'm talking about with regards to the songs-unless you too sang them. Contemporary churches of today don't sing many hymns. But do our children understand the songs of worship? For that matter, do adults?

When we speak about the things of God, do we speak with Christian lingo that leaves others with lots of words in their head, but no clear message? Are we reciting words ourselves, with no real understanding? We hope that those we speak to will "come to salvation, be sanctified & saved." But are we truly presenting a clear, gospel message? Do we even know what "gospel" means?

Just something to think about.
And no, they don't call him Rudolph.


Anonymous said...

Good thoughts, Joanne.

I remember singing "The B-I-B-L-E! Yes, that's the book for me! I STAND UP ON the word of God..."

I thought it was so weird we STOOD on Bibles. So, one day my mom caught me standing on my Bible, just like the song told me to do. She gently corrected me.

P.S. Hope you feel better soon.

Heth said...

It's so true. It's easy to just sing along to worship songs without really even thinking about what the words truly mean.

Anonymous said...

Very good point, Joanne! :o)

We sang the same songs! Did you sing this one... Father Abraham had many sons. Many sons had father Abraham...?

Truth said...

Gretchen, kids do take words literally-at least I did. Enjoyed hearing your story.

Heather, I'm guilty of that too!

Lisa, I remmeber singing that with my kids over and over and over. I'm sure they had no idea what it meant...and honestly, I never gave it much thought either. What was I teaching them???

Kristin said...

::raising hand::: I know all those songs! (Grew up Baptist) and I know the "Abraham" one, too, lol.

My friend and I used to think "When the roll is called up yonder" was, "when a rose is called a pyander!"

I like the newer "praise" songs because they often contain verses straight from the Bible, the only problem is, when I see those verses now, I break out in song! (Ask my kids -- it annoys them greatly.)

Great post, Joanne.