Friday, March 28, 2008

This and That

Day 16 of a sore throat & congestion, that doesn't appear to be clearing anytime soon.

My mother-in-law had this great idea to fly to North Carolina to see her oldest daughter for Mother's Day and wanted her favorite daughter-in-law to accompany her. So guess who will be seeing the state of North Carolina for the first time in May? I'm so excited. Anyone out there live in Charlotte?

The best moment ever, on an Easter Sunday? Standing at the end of our church service, praying. The Pastor was inviting anyone who desired to a new life in Christ to come forward. People began walking towards the altar. I prayed for hearts to be soft and open. I felt a hand on my shoulder and a whisper in my ear. "Mom, would you go up there with me?" And with tears streaming down my face, I stepped out with my daughter, as she rededicated her life to the Lord. Nothing could bring greater joy.


Julie said...

Oh.. my heart leaped with joy for your daughter !! God be praised, and may she grow strong and sure in her faith !!

I do pray also that He heal your cold!! 16 days is about 16 too many !

And I am happy that you get to go to North Carolina... I'm sorry I have never been there so I have no advice to impart to you !! Being Canadian I had to actually go to a US map to find out where N. Carolina was. But I'm sure you will have a great time and will share all we need to know about N. Carolina when you come back !!! smile

Ann said...

That's so beautiful and truly made me teary.

I don't live in Charlotte, but now I wish I did! Just for the month of May, though.

Have a wonderful weekend!!

Heth said...

Fantastic! What a precious moment with your daughter.

PJ said...

How absolutely wonderful!!!!

And Charlotte, in May, wow!! SHould be beautiful. We'l be lucky if we have not snow then!!! Okay, that's a tad of an exaggeration...but April this year...we probably can depend on it!

Prayers for that sore throat! Enough is enough, already!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Great! :-)

We were stationed at Camp LeJeune, North Carolina many years ago. NC in the springtime is incredibly beautiful. Try to get to the central part of the state if you can. Have a wonderful time!

revivalist7 said...

wad a great moment for you, your daughter and God Himself =)

your prayers have certainly not been in vain and have been answered!

all the best and get well soon!

God Bless =D

Anonymous said...

What sweetness this is. I am awaiting the day my son comes full circle to this moment. He is coming through a tunnel of questioning and hurt. I can see the light glimmering and it is already warming this Mom's heart!

Anonymous said...

Me again. Hope you are feeling well soon. My daughter has been dealing with this for a month now. She is almost over it and it has been a long road but the road does end.

Hang in there.

Kristin said...

Oh, that gave me chills, Joanne (about your daughter.) Beautiful. And I WISH I were near NC right now -- it should be gorgeous when you get there. We went to VA in May in 2003 and it was a huge thrill (gorgeous weather and all the flowers and GREEN.)

Jenni said...

How absolutely wonderfully stupendoubly fabulous! I'm just all tingly with joy for you both...what a special day.

His Girl said...

For some reason, this post caught me by surprise... I'm reading along, thinking "oh, sorry you're so sick! need to pray" then... "what a fun trip! Hope you have a great time!" then... "Oh, I love altar calls....

But when I read about your daughter, I just immediately started crying tears of joy, as if I were standing right beside you... Oh! Happy Day!!!
