Here is what Jewels wrote on the award: Joanne from "Piece of the Puzzle": I like to stop by her blog to hear about her family---she is so proud of them! She sees the blessings all around her and celebrates each one. When dealt a lemon, Joanne can certainly make lemonade out of it. And she has a great sense of humor as well.
The rules given to me: Put the logo on your blog. Put a link to me (who awarded it to you) on your blog also. You need to nominate 7 other bloggers for the award and put links to them also on your blog. Finally, leave a comment for those you've nominated - so they know they've received a special award.
1) Lisa at The Funny Farm Lisa is a sweet & caring online friend. Her blog reflects both her kindness and also the humor that makes life manageable. She has one very special daughter that she homeschools and does that well.
2) Tammy at PB4UGO Tammy blogs about a variety of things. Her humor comes naturally and sometimes unexpectedly. Her cups runs over and she's happy to share, so get your cup out.
3) Mylinda at The Buggy Crew-Always upbeat and encouraging. Mylinda reminds me of a country wife who gives a lot & is hardworking. I love Mondays as she shares her menu for the week, one of these days I'll join her in this. I'm challenged to go that extra step.
4) His Girl-His girl is reflective and meditative. This doesn't keep her from being fun and spunky. She shares from her heart. But often, I can't comment on her blog as I need time to reflect on what she has said. By the time I return, she's added more food for thought.
5) Melanie at Dandelions & Roses (Private Blog) Melanie is full of energy. I have no idea how she manages all that she does, but she makes it sound easy. She is also a fabulous cook. Her blog may be private, but she has a food blog that serves up one delicious dish after the other.
6) Kate at Life With Special Needs Kids (her blog is private) Kate is an articulate, compassionate person. I wish she'd run for a political office. She has courage and the backbone to make things happen. She is a genius too, wiser than someone twice her age. Kate has lots to say and is worth listening to.
7) Lori at View From My Porch Swing (whose blog is also private)-Lori has a creative flair and is certainly gifted in many things. She fills her life with beauty and grace. The love she pours into her family is evident in the photos she shares. Beautiful, smiling faces adorn her blog. Lori is an inspiration to large families and families with special children.
Wow, I didn't realize I read so many private blogs. I have so much enjoyed not only these ladies, but so many others (and yes, I probably need to update the blogs that I read on my sidebar.) I enjoy sharing in your lives and you all help me to grow as you inspire and encourage me.
And thank-you to all who comment, you truly are a treasured surprise!!!
Thank You, JoAnne! I am honored. Do you nominees need to do anything?
(wash your car? send a fruit basket? post links on our blogs?)
Have a blessed day!
TY, Joanne! Today (the 29th) is my birthday, and what a cool birthday surprise to see this!
BTW, I nominated you right back! There was no rule against it, and I love reading your blog!
I am deeply honored. HUG
Awwwww, thanks Joanne! You just made my day (heck, my week)! :-)
Thanks so much Joanne! I sat down this morning to sip away at my first coffee and found this awaiting me. What a great way to start my day.
Thanks again. You're appreciated!
Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww! I am so honored! That's so cool!
I am so far behind on my blog reading,so I am just arriving at the party- but thank you thank you thank you!
you are really a blessing to me!
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