Thursday, August 21, 2008

Fwd: To Whom It May Concern

Are you a person who loves to forward emails of anecdotal stories, political statements, feel-good poems, and the like? Can you enjoy the sentiment of a story without regards to whether or not it is accurate?

If that is the case, you are welcome to forward these to me. But I am not one of the aforementioned people. If a story is inaccurate or contains erroneous information, I will reply to your email with proper corrections. (Have you noticed the screen name I use for posting?) If the language or joke is crude or vulgar, I will inform you of its offensive nature. Or if I disagree with the intent of the email, I most likely will address that also.

If you do not appreciate correction, are offended by my response, and merely want to enjoy the feelings of satisfaction the forwarded email brings to you, then please do not send me forwarded emails. It will save me the time spent researching and writing a response & your hurt feelings will be spared.



PJ said...

I'm with you. I don't get why people won't check out It is soooo easy! the ones that annoy me most are lost children notices. Why would someone want to invent a "Lost Child"??? It's beyond me!! But I always correct them.

Anonymous said...

I agree! Once I discovered I was hooked on finding out if an email was true. Most of the time I delete forwards and I very rarely pass one on.

Anonymous said...

I hear ya! :o)

Jenni said...


Melanie said...

Ugh! I do NOT like mass forwarded emails like that! For the most part, they're just annoying. Once in a blue moon, I will forward an anecdotal story or joke, but it's got to be a really, really good one.

Anonymous said...


I NEVER forward those emails to anyone. Ever. Ever. Ever.

My inbox is a graveyard.

Kristin said...

LOL, can I send this to my Aunt? She sends me about 10 or more forwards every week (mostly political and uber-patriotic in content.) Some are really nice, but I have to admit I delete most before even opening them.

Anonymous said...

Hi Joanne!

You know, I always delete those. I never read them.

Anonymous said...

I have written my dear family members requesting they send me actual family or life related emails that pertain to us, not these awful forwards that become the course of their correspondence. I can not seem to get some of them to realize that I mean it. So, I now ignore any emails that are not directly from them to me that are relevent to our family. Perhaps one day they will catch on - either that or they really don't want to stay in touch. I'm okay with that.

My oldest daughter feels as strongly as you and also corrects those who send on false information. The two of you could start a service that we can pay for, to take out all those forward sending peoples who never check the facts and are driving us crazy!!!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Amen Amen Amen Amen Amen.

And, I admit with shame, that my dh is one of the worst offenders! Not of mean inaccurate stuff (after I told him about snopes) but of LOTS of smarmy stuff.

It is embarassing!

His Girl said...

oh, I so want to borrow your letter and send it out to a few people. ugh.

by the way I just got caught up on your blog- was SIX posts behind...though I'm very sad I was so far behind, catching up was fun- love, love, love your blog :)