Friday, September 19, 2008

This & That

Have I mentioned the incredible man I'm married to? Yesterday he went golfing. I dropped him off and picked him up. While I drive around in a cute, fun, fast little car, he doesn't have one at all (most of the time.) Last year we foolishly thought we'd only have 1 kid living at home. We have 3. That means 4 vehicles & 5 drivers. Someone doesn't have a car. But what a guy to let his girls all drive while he goes without! (Truthfully, I think he enjoys being driven around in a cute car, by his lovely wife.)

Thanks for the comments, concerns, & prayers for my mom and nephew. Geoff had his ear sewn back on, his face stitched up, his fractured cheek is healing nicely, which only leaves his gimp shoulder to be fixed.

My mom is not doing a lot better. She has been waiting over 2 weeks to see a specialist. Are we sure we don't have socialized medicine??? I wish I lived in town with her. I'd have insisted they get her in sooner. Even if it took me going to their office every single day asking, I would do it. They'd get tired of seeing me. I would be like the widow who wearied the unjust judge by her continual requests for his help. (Luke 18:1-8)

The wedding is fast approaching and I hope very much my mom and dad will be here. I'm afraid it will be a whirlwind of activities but I truly want to enjoy every minute of it. (I'll let you know if I'm able to do that.)

I'm getting tired of seeing unfinished posts in my draft box. Maybe I will get to those soon. Oh my word! Is it really almost Fall???


Anonymous said...

Praying for your mom and nephew!!!

Kristin said...

Such a busy time of year. I do hope your mom gets good treatment and that she can attend the wedding.

Anonymous said...

I'm keeping your mom & nephew in my prayers. Your husband must be a patient man to go without a car.

His Girl said...

I am finally back to catch up on your blog! what a buncha stuff you've been up to!

glad to read ya again- looking forward to all that stuff you have been hiding in 'drafts'!

PJ said...

Wow!!! I'm finally getting caught up on your blog. Will put Mom and nephew on the TOP of the prayer list. I know what you mean about waiting for appts. Even with something like Breast Cancer, getting an appointment in two weeks is FAST...go figure. Meantime, one is stuck at home wondering and worrying that things are getting worse. Fortunately the King of the Universe DOES NOT have a waiting list!!!

Your hubby sounds like mine. Everytime we get a new car, he takes my old one and gives me the new one. Always has. Hang on to him. These guys are rare!!! And very precious.