Saturday, January 31, 2009

Super Bowl Menu

Not sure why I am having such a hard time with my superbowl menu. I add items, subract, scrap the whole plan and start over. But now I am stuck One item will adorn our menu no matter what. Brisket. Because even if I wanted to, it wouldn't fit in my freezer to save for a later date. Who buys a 13 pound chunk of meat? I doubt I need anything else on the menu. There is no way we could eat all of that. I don't own a pan large enough to cook it either.

So we are having Beef Brisket Sandwiches. I hope it isn't a huge failure. I'll be posting the rest of the menu and how it turns out on my recipe page. Wish me luck. It's a beast.


~Tammy~ said...

oh... I have been without power, so just saw this too late!

Cut small slits into thawed brisket. Insert peeled garlic cloves. Cover in foil. Bake overnight at 225*
Next morning: Slice brisket, placing slices into slow cooker. Pour your favorite BBQ sauce over slices. Turn on low until ready to serve. Freeze leftovers.

If you start an extra day in advance: take the baked brisket from oven, refigerate overnight. Peel off solidified fat, slice and continue as above.

PS- I DO buy huge briskets... but then I do have a *crew* to feed, LOL!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Leaving you an award over at my nest...

Burb Bunny said...

I've never eaten let alone tried to cook brisket.

Truth said...

Tammy, this sounds wonderful! I'm going to have to try it. Thanks for sharing it.

Singing Owl, thank-you. Off to check it out now.

Burb bunny, you like pot roast? You would like brisket.