Last night, after sleeping for 2 hours, he came bolting out of the bedroom. Looking dazed and not really awake, he began mumbling. I had no idea what was going on with him. But then I recognized his signing. He was signing "eat."
"Ethan, are you hungry?" He nodded and signed eat. How could I deny him?
He took me by the hand and led me to the refrigerator. Both doors were flung open as he browsed the contents.
"How about a pretzel?" I asked, as I pulled them out of the freezer and tried to shut the doors.
"NO!" He pushed them back open, & pushed the pretzels back in place. He was searching for something. I continued to offer what I thought he'd eat. More emphatic "no's." Finally he pointed. A bag of frozen french fries. Ugh! He didn't really expect me to cook french fries, did he?
"You want french fries???"
It was unmistakable. He signed please, over and over, while nodding his head.
What beautiful kids.
If I ate french fries at that time of night I'd have heartburn for sure.
What a fun memory! :-)
WTG keeping Grandma on her toes, Ethan! :)
BTW, Joanne, I saw the comment you left on Kate's blog about wishing you knew how to make a prettier blog design.
Here are a few sites with very easy to install blog templates:
The Cutest Blog on the Block
Izzie Grace Blog Backgrounds.
Or I'd be happy to play around and try to design something for you. I'm learning how to do it and have redesigned 3 of my blog so far. Email me if you're interested. (melsmunchkins@gmail.com)
Awesome kid! :o)
If I come over will you make me french fries too? YUM
How cool! I have learned the "eat", "drink" and "more" signs from my DD... she has taught them to my 18 month old grandson. It sure helps to communicate! (DD keeps a baby sister of an autistic child, and learned the signs from that child's mother)
You are a super fun Grandma.
Teaching sign to young children is so good for all involved. Our youngest two learned a few basic signs early and it sure helped with communication until they could talk clearly.
I think I would have enjoyed those french fries with Ethan. Yum!
LOL! Oh my. He must be having a growth spurt!
How loving :) And Ethan, I ate brownies today!!! Maybe Grandma can make a batch with you soon *wink*
:) You are a great Grandma
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