Sunday, June 14, 2009

Tuesday Truths

I've Never....

1. Eaten sushi
2. Played the viola
3. Gone skydiving
4. Gotten a brainfreeze
5. Watched the show "Lost"
6. Said the word _art (begins with an f)
7. Been given a speeding ticket
8. Eaten a chocolate covered grasshopper
9. Been struck by lightening
10. Enjoyed a peanut butter & jelly sandwich

(All but one of these is true.)


Unknown said...

You have some very weird experiences but I've gotten the correct answer from a very reliable source. #7 has not happened, yet. :) Larry

Unknown said...

Oh boy, I meant #9...Right? Larry

Melanie said...

I'm guessing #2 or 3 is the lie.

cmhaws said...

#7...even though at times when we were a kid you claimed MANY of these to have "never happened"...seems to me that you have some owning up to do.

Lauren said...

I say #9 - I hope I would have known if it did happen.

Unknown said...

Joanne, How cute..Seriously, where's my Starbucks card? Actually, based on the diet I've committed to, ie change in lifestyle choices with less food intake, I'd settle for a homemade chocolate cupcake with 1/2 inch chocolate frosting. No sprinkles, since I am making an effort. Thanks for making me smile.

Mother Mayhem said...

I was grinning until I got to the grasshopper. GACK.