Tuesday, August 04, 2009

What Was I Thinking...Bobblehead?

Or 5 dumb ideas that resulted in a bad 2 bad haircuts.)

Dumb Idea #1 Thinking that by growing my hair long, I could have my hair all one length. To me that meant the front length would be as long as the back.

(This was my hair in April.)

Dumb Idea #2 Believing that this could be achieved by cutting 2 inches off of the back, not 4.

(The sides are plenty long enough here in June to get a nice cut.)

Dumb Idea #3 Letting a girlfriend tell my hairdresser, over the phone, exactly how to cut my hair.

Dumb Idea #4 Not noticing that when she cut 4 inches off of the front and sides; thus having almost the same haircut I already had, except 4 inches shorter.

(I showed her this pic from 11/08, because it was on my phone. It was an attempt to show her a look that would work with an already mangled haircut.)

Dumb idea #5 Trusting the hairdresser to fix my hair. When she said she'd have to cut the back shorter, I told her no. Just even it up so the right side wasn't longer than the left. Somehow I didn't notice until she was finished that she'd cut 2 more inches off. Now the right side is shorter than the left.

Did I mention before that a bad haircut could mean a month of bad hair days?

I'm afraid this one will last longer. Here is my hair after I worked with it for over an hour. Hair this short shouldn't take an hour to fix.

I hate my hair right now.


Anonymous said...

Aww, I know how it feels to hate your hair. I hate MY hair right now too. My hairdresser did NOT listen to me either!

Repeat after me - My hair will grow, my hair will grow....

BUT, I think your hair looks good after you fixed it. You did a great job.

~Tammy~ said...


It will grow... and you can try again. I am trying to get all of my color cut off... without going butch to do it. One or two more haircuts, and I will be all "natchell"... dark brown and silver. Or maybe silver and dark brown. Kind of looks heavily frosted right now.

Melanie said...

I think your hair looks just fine, but I know how it is to not get a haircut you like and then having to live with it. :(

Mother Mayhem said...

I feel your pain.


Me with the Moe-Mullet

Michael Haws said...

2 bad haircuts, yet still gorgeous!!!

Kristin said...

Well my hair is always a disaster, if that makes you feel any better, LOL. (I can't remember when I last went to the parlor.) I think you look cute!

Lisa said...

You look fine, really, but I know how it is to hate your hair. Wanna trade for some curly/frizzy reddish/grayish stuff? Yesterday my dd said I looked like an old chia pet. (((Hugs)))

Prairie Lady said...

It looks great after you fiddled with it! Maybe you can figure out how to make it look that good in less time.

Sorry they didn't listen. :(

Heth said...

I know it's not the cut you had in mind but it sure is sassy! I like it a lot!

Julie said...

Awww! I hate that feeling! Your hair looks so nice in that last picture, though. (If that's any consolation!) I hope you feel better!

Lauren said...

I'm sorry about the haircuts :( Why is it that 9 times out of ten the hair dresser doesn't understand what you are asking for?! It will grow - your hair grows quickly from what I know. I think it looks cute though, you did a great job!

Kate said...

Honestly, I don't hate your haircut, but that isn't the point.

I think you should go back to the hair salon and DEMAND a full refund of every penny you've paid that hairdresser. Don't talk to her; talk to her boss. DON'T do your hair before you go ~ let her see that it is uneven STILL and make sure you take a picture of what it looked like before you came in so she can see that yeah, her hairdresser butchered it.

Make sure she knows that you are extremely unhappy and that you're not afraid to be vocal around town about WHO, exactly, did your hair. Negative word-of-mouth is a powerful tool... don't be afraid to use it.

Getting your money back won't make your hair grow faster, of course, but at least you won't have had to pay for what that woman did.

((((( Joanne )))))

I'm sorry; I hate hate HATE getting a horrible haircut and I hate how it leaves me feeling uber-self-conscious until it grows out again.

No matter what, though, I think you're a beautiful lady.

Jana said...

I think it looks great, and youre hilarious!! I cant wait to see pics of the mnm spree you went on tonight :)