Monday, September 14, 2009

A Letter To Taylor Swift

Dear Taylor,

Stick to country music. Country folk are kinder, caring people. I have no idea why or how Kanye West got on stage during your award last night. Who does he think he is? Spend a few minutes with the man, listen to the lyrics of his songs and you will know much about his character.

I'm sorry he left you speechless. It was nice of Beyonce to call you back on stage during her award. But sadly, your VMA award will forever be remembered by the ugly remarks of a pathetic rapper.

Embrace your country roots where men are tough cowboys, but gentlemen at heart.

And some still wonder why "Ladies Love Country Boys."


Heth said...

Oh my gosh, that was HORRIBLE! Seriously, that is the rudest thing ever.

gretchen from lifenut said...

You are so right! How awful for poor Taylor. She handled it okay, considering she's still a kid.

Beyonce showed a lot of class, giving away her speech time so Taylor could have her moment.

(I didn't actually watch it, just heard about it today and saw some YouTube clips)

Lisa said...

OK, gotta admit I think Trace is, um, hot. The 2yo watched and kept saying "oooh, hat. oooooh, hat". LOL. As for the awards, it just shows money can't buy class.