Friday, September 18, 2009

Martha I Am Not

In case you had any doubts as to my abilities and gifts...I do NOT have the gift of serving. I am no Martha Stewart, or the biblical Martha who spent her energy preparing and serving. Her house was probably immaculate. Throngs of people descended upon her home to hear Jesus and could she get any help??? What was wrong with Mary anyway. Didn't she notice Martha needed help? Well, no she didn't.

I have a friend with the gift of serving. Lots of people do, because quite frankly, we need more servers than leaders. And just so you get it straight, I am not a leader either. Don't ask me to organize, delegate, and pull together an event. I'd end up doing it all myself. A good leader knows how to delegate the best person for each task. Not many are gifted at leading-because how many leaders do we need? But let's get back to serving.

My friend, the one gifted in serving, will walk into my home and can immediately see I need help. She would think nothing of loading my dishwasher, wiping off a table, or jumping in to prepare a meal. And I never have to tell her what to do. She instinctively knows what is needed. I love her! I love that she has the gift of serving and uses her talent so well. Those of you with this gift, probably don't see it as a gift. Instead, like Martha, you probably wonder what is wrong with the rest of us. Why can't we see when there is work to be done? Are we so selfish and thoughtless that we can't jump in and help wherever necessary? Truth be told, most of the time, we don't see it. But I'm trying.

I too used to wonder why I couldn't be like my friend. Why couldn't I see with her eyes? It wasn't until I took a class on spiritual gifts that I found the freedom to see with my eyes. The teaching came from Romans 12:6-8.

"In his grace, God has given us different gifts for doing certain things well. So if God has given you the ability to prophesy, speak out with as much faith as God has given you. If your gift is serving others, serve them well. If you are a teacher, teach well. If your gift is to encourage others, be encouraging. If it is giving, give generously. If God has given you leadership ability, take the responsibility seriously. And if you have a gift for showing kindness to others, do it gladly."

Does this mean that just because I am not gifted in serving that I am not to serve? Certainly not. But I shouldn't feel guilty because I have to work harder at serving. Nor should I try to lead when there is someone more qualified for the job, but I might find myself leading at times.

I was reminded of this not long ago while talking with my sister, Carolyn. She mentioned that she's always taken the servant roles but more recently took on a leadership role. She's more comfortable in serving, not leading. Growing up the oldest of 4 kids, I can't help but wonder if she isn't gifted in leadership. But at the same time, she does have a lot of that other Martha's tendencies. No, the Martha with a flair for decorating and creating a lovely home. Carolyn sees things I don't. She has a vision for the rooms in her house and it is fun to see the magical transformations she is forever creating.

Like I said. A martha I am not. I have trouble picking out a paint color. But that's ok.


Jenni said...

Well said!

~Tammy~ said...

I believe your gift may be encouraging... I always feel uplifted after reading your blog, or your insightful comments on mine!

Heth said...

Tammy is right. You are a TOTAL encourager.

This was a great post Joanne.

Kate said...

Third vote for the gift of encouragement being yours. You have a way with words, Joanne, and there have been so many times when I'm reading through my comments and your words bring me to tears because I feel as though YOU understand what I was trying to convey in my post and it is such a relief to know someone out there 'gets me' when I am feeling as though I'm totally alone.

I'm not a Martha, either, btw. And I agree with you, that's okay. :)

cmhaws said...

I will jump on the encouragement gift train... but giving is another gift bestowed upon you as well

gretchen from lifenut said...

Another voting for you being an awesome encourager! I've seen you in action in real life and online.

I want to encourage you in your encouragement! :)

Lauren said...

Joanne, you are a servant. All who come into your home feel so welcome, you always have food ready and are willing to do anything to make others feel comfortable. Great post!

Unknown said...

BTW, The "Martha" I love dearly and is your sister is at it again. New pillows for all the couches and all gold fixtures are being transitioned out for satin silver / nickel. The kitchen handles and knobs are done. Only 18 more doors. She does give me cause to smile, and bring joy to my life. Just because. Are you encouraging her?