Friday, November 27, 2009

Quiet and Loud

I'm not sure why sometimes I have such lapses in blog posts. I'm told it happens to everyone, but sometimes I wonder. Some people are never at a loss for words, at least in person. My guess is they never run out of words to blog either.

Extroverts are revived by interacting with others. Introverts find refreshment by spending time alone. I am an introvert. I need down time, alone. I suspect that is why I take breaks from blogging.

When I have something to say, the words come spilling out. I can't keep them inside. At times, it is necessary to hold onto them. It requires self discipline.

Josh McDaniels could learn a thing or two about letting loose of his words. (I don't agree with this particular writer who thinks it is perfectly acceptable for him to talk this way to his players.)

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