Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Ten Wishes For 2010

I wish for you mostly sunny days, because you love them so much.

I also wish for you enough rain to keep the grass green so you can mow, and plenty snowy, winter days for you to get out and shovel-because Ethan needs to share these experiences.

I wish for you boisterous times of joy and laughter, like seeing Ethan at Disneyland for the first time. But also times of quiet joy, as we experienced strolling along the beach with only the sound of waves crashing upon the sand.

I wish for you continued courage, strength, and wisdom as you stand as a pillar for your family to lean on in difficult times. But may you know your limits and human frailty in order to seek the one who can meet your needs according to His riches in glory.

I wish for you at least 34 more wonderful years of marriage so we can have a great celebration for our 60th anniversary-the way your mom & dad did.

I also wish for you good health, you'll be 90 when we celebrate our 60th. And I want to dance.

That means I also wish for long walks and bike rides with you. Every day.

I wish for you to have restful nights of sleep-so peaceful that you can sleep through me vacuuming at 12:30 in the morning. The way you did tonight.

But I also wish for you to not sleep so soundly that you don't hear the firetruck, ambulance, sheriff's car when they come to our home. Or sleeping through the paramedics and firemen standing inside our kitchen...all 8 of them. The way you did tonight.

I wish for you peace as you read this post in the morning while I'm still snug in our bed, while you are left to wonder what the heck happened last night.

Happy Anniversary Sweetie, and thanks for letting me sleep in this morning.

Oh, and one last wish: For your wife to never have a bad haircut or bad hair day. This will make your life oh so pleasant indeed.


~Tammy~ said...

OK, Jo Anne... now that you slept in... what the heck DID happen that involved calling 911 in the middle of the night?

Anonymous said...

I too would like to know what happened!

And Happy Anniversary to you and yours!!!


Kate said...

What a sweet post to your hunny!

Happy Anniversary!!!

And, like everyone else, I am insanely curious to know why you had paramedics & firefighters in your kitchen last night. Please do tell!