Friday, January 29, 2010

Trying To Find My Place In This World

I've been perusing food blogs and man, do I feel inadequate. I'm left standing here wanting to grab a bag of flaming hot cheetos and calling it lunch. But I'm also inspired to do more. I can't compare my cooking to that of others. It is futile. Instead, I must do what works for me and my family. Translated to mean, cooking gluten free or according to whatever special dietary needs arrive at my doorstep.

I doubt I'll ever be a world traveler, sampling exotic foods. I won't be going to fancy shmancy restaurants to entice my taste buds with enchanting new delicacies. It isn't happening. So I can't be expected to have a clue about such culinary delights. (Remember that when dining at my home.)

Instead, I will be as creative as I can, providing comforting food to meet nutritional needs-hopefully in a tasty fashion. But more important than the food, I cook for the soul. Food has a way of bringing family and friends together. Good conversation. Laughter, connections, provoking thoughts, curious questions. At the dinner table, we are filled and satisfied in so many ways.


Mommas Soapbox said...

I think you are right! Food does bring us all together. Everytime we have a gathering the first thing we do is plan the MENU.

And dinner table at night with the family is one of my favorite times.

Love your blog

Kristin said...

I get a little twinge when I watch the Food Network (but mostly just get hungry.) Ah well, I'm not a cook and I hate to cook and that's that!