Friday, February 12, 2010


Do you ever find yourself annoyed and yet in your heart you know you really have no right to be? But you are still extremely agitated?

That is how I am feeling at the present moment. And I shouldn't. But I am.

Maybe I am just tired. But there you go. Now I am making excuses for why I feel this way. Just stop already!

A week or so ago, I happened upon the 5 minutes for mom blog. More specifically, it was the 5 minutes for special needs. They were holding a giveaway for a program that works with the ITouch. It helps kids communicate with a mere touch of the screen. It speaks for them. Ethan can do this. He LOVES his mom's ITouch and can actually use it with some degree of accuracy.
His favorite thing to do is push buttons and touch things.

Only 7 people entered the giveaway. SEVEN. What are the odds? I knew I had this one. Except, I realized tonight I didn't. Someone else has won it.

Like I said, I'm very annoyed.

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