Wednesday, February 10, 2010

What's In A Smile?

What parent hasn't waited with great anticipation to see their baby's first smile? The delight is immeasurable. Thereafter countless hours are spent coaxing and sweet talking in an attempt to glimpse this tender expression. Each grimace or slight lip curl stirs eager hope. What is it about this tiny grin that elicits such joy?

A smile speaks from the heart.

Have you ever watched a nervous child on stage, scanning the audience for a familiar face? Before the wave or shout, you know when he finds it. His concerned look turns immediately into a radiant smile. His demeanor calms. All is right.

Lovers at an airport, embracing after an absence. The expressions is unmistakable.

Two people, formerly estranged, know right away if the door is open to reconciliation.

A father's genuine smile, as his daughter seems to light up his world.

Approval, acceptance, love, affection, excitement and more, communicated with simply a smile.


Unknown said...

I got the boat repaired recently. It's much more fun to drive and ride in. Please bring Christina and Ethan back soon. The smile is worth it all.

Truth said...

Larry, we'd love to do that! And your wife looks so pretty riding in the boat.