Thank-you everyone for your encouraging words on my recent posts about Ethan. Living with Autism is a challenge and it is important to celebrate the positives and accomplishments. At the same time, I don't want to minimize the difficulty of raising a child with autism or special needs.
Today is National Autism Awareness Day. So many people have a hard time understanding what autism is. Nobody is sure yet, what causes it-although many have theories and opinions. Those who deal closely with autism want answers.
Today is also Good Friday. Many people have a hard time understanding what the crucifixion is and why we celebrate. Many have theories and opinions of Jesus and what his mission in life was. Those who deal closely with Him, know the answer.
Today I will celebrate both.
On a side note, I never imagined myself wishing for anyone to have Celiac Disease, since my daughter Elisabeth lives with this. But today, that is exactly what my hope is. My mom-in-law was tested for it yesterday and I am hoping she tests positive. It is a relatively easy disease to live with when compared to other causes of her symptoms. It would be a welcome lifestyle change. She'd come to live with us, and I'd prepare her meals. Could it be any easiser?
And really, that is exactly what Jesus offers. When we realize something is amiss in our life, He opens the door for us to live with Him. The table is already prepared.
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