Wednesday, May 12, 2010


As I browsed the produce aisle, I noticed her. A woman about my age, pacing. She seemed to have lost something. She spoke to another customer, who pulled her cell phone out and placed a call. Although curious, I continued my mental thought process of compiling my evening menu and what the perfect accompaniment would be. Scanning the bags of vegetable greens, the woman passed behind me.

It didn't take long to surmise her predicament. She'd lost her cell phone and had asked a stranger to call her in an attempt to locate it. For a second I heard a faint ringtone calling to her. She heard it too.

"I heard it!" She turned to the other woman. "Is it still ringing?"

"No. I'll try again."

I turned around wondering if she'd dropped her phone in the bin of the fresh ears of corn. And I heard the tone again. She did too. I could tell it was driving her crazy, as she first walked one direction, then another. I chuckled.

"Ma'am, I think your phone may be in your backpack."

"Oh my word!" She slid her backpack off her shoulders. "Thank-you, thank-you! I always keep my phone in my pocket." She mumbled on and on, rejoicing at her good fortune of finding her lost cell phone.

I'm still chuckling when I arrive home. How could she forget where her cell phone was, especially when she could hear it faintly so close to herself? And as I unpack 3 bags of groceries, I realize I forgot to pick up dish detergent-which was the reason I went to the store in the first place.


Lisa said...

LOL, that is so me.

ann said...

I had something like this happen to me. I was in an airport, flying solo, when a guy approached me. He plopped his backpack down in the seat next to me and started digging through it. Then he told me how he couldn't find my phone, and if I would please just call his phone he'd hear it ring and then he would be able to find it. I told him I was sorry, but I couldn't do that. He was incredulous, asking me, "Don't you have a PHONE?!" I said yes I do, but if I called his phone then he would have my number, and I don't like giving my number to people I don't know. He got all flustered and rushed off. Usually I would feel bad, but I didn't this time. A man standing near by even said I acted wisely. About a half hour later he rushed passed me again and announced, "I found my phone!" I said, "Good for you!" And that was that.

Dapoppins said...

classic. We all do such things, and yet, we seem to forget at moments that we all do such things! teehee.