Because of his great success, he vowed to keep our cars until they'd hit the 200,000 mark. I happened to be driving the Acura yesterday when this goal was achieved.

Don't ask why the brake light is on, or about that other yellow light that is illuminated all of the time. Give the car a break. It's a little tired. It's been driven 200,0003 miles.

Yes, I was driving down the highway at exactly 75 mph...ok, closer to 80. But how could I miss this momentous mile marker and not make a memory?
Michael mentioned the other day that he hoped I'd keep my car until it has at least 200,000 miles on the odometer. I about fell over laughing.
At the rate I drive, I will be exactly 81 years old when my car rolls over to 200,000 miles.

Can you imagine that?
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