Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Tuesday Truths

Ah, I needed an excuse to blog. So here it is: Ten Truths, but one is a Lie
(Answer at the end.)

1. One of my daughter's surprised me this week with this:

2. I want to get my belly button pierced.

3. I love temporary tatoos.

4. Another daughter surprised me with this a week ago:

5. I don't have a single tatoo.

6. I love temporary peircings.

7. I've wanted a tatoo since I was 16.

8. I had my ears double pierced, but it was so painful, I let the second holes close up.

9. Belly button piercing hurts, according to the one in the above photo.

10. I'm wearing red boots.

Christopher was right. I have NEVER wanted my belly pierced, not even once.

And these are my red boots. (Even though they look brown here.)


~Tammy~ said...

ooohhh... I guess #8 as the lie!

cmhaws said...

Did you really try to squeeze that #2 in their, a little bit hidden?

You want your belly button pierced? OH dear mom, I call bs, and I hope it is true.

Sarabeth said...

I'm gonna say #10

If not I'd like to see a pic of your red boots! (And probably to borrow them sometime :))

Sarabeth said...

Oooh I love your red boots! They're so cute!