Thursday, March 24, 2011

British Museum and the London Dungeon

London is magnificent! It is has been so fun to share the experience with Sarabeth and see where her home has been these past few months.

For those who are wondering, aside from a cold virus, she is doing well right now. Looks like she will be able to wait until April to have surgery and our time here won't be spent using the British Health Care System. That makes my heart very glad.

Yesterday we ventured out to the British Museum.

Fascinating place. I enjoyed seeing the stone carvings from places like Ninevah and Egypt that were from 700 BC.

Truly incredible, the stories etched in rock in massive pieces.

Outside the museum, was a street vendor. I had to try the cornish ice cream.

As Michael described it, a cross between ice cream and whipped cream.

Later in the day, we visited the London Dungeon, where we shared in the horrors of British past. Jack-the-Ripper, Sweeney Todd, The Great Fire of London, Bloody Mary and the likes.

I only wish we could have brought our camera inside. After the tour, I took this pic of Sarabeth:

For Ghost Hunter fans, I took this picture right before the last one.

What's with the red mist?

Lastly, a terrifying capture:


Kathleen said...

That ice cream is clotted cream made into ice cream with little sugar.
Glad you got to see the British Museum. Did you get to Hampton Court and to Basingstoke? So glad you got to take this fantastic trip to two countries. Especially to see the home of your ancestors.

Mother Mayhem said...