Tuesday, March 08, 2011

I'm Done

I was reading PW's blog regarding grammar and the use of "done" and "finished." She explained:

"it was drilled into me time and time again that while both 'done' and 'finished' meant 'brought to completion or accomplished,' DONE was used to describe things. FINISHED was used to describe people.

This is an overly simplified description of the rule, but in general, this is how I always understood it:

Correct: I am finally finished with my homework.
Incorrect: I am finally done with my homework."

PW wondered if this was an antiquated rule of grammar. I find it interesting that I've never heard of this rule. Not that this doesn't mean anything, it's just that I've been around longer than most. (Based on the fact that I'm older than the median age-way older.)

At the end of a day, I often say, "I'm done." While some would laugh and say, "Cakes are done, people are finished," I think I'm correct in this usage when I say "I'm done." As in, "Lord, if you don't take me out of the fire now, I'm gonna be burnt to a crisp. I'm done already."

Which makes me think of Jesus' last words on the cross, "It is finished." (That is, if he'd spoken in English.) I'm glad he said His task was truly finished, as opposed to "I'm done. Get me out of here."

1 comment:

Mother Mayhem said...

I'm a lil crispy around the edges myself. ;o)

Glad the Lord wasn't "done" too! :o)