I missed Seoul.
I missed the food.
I missed meeting Christopher and Lauren for dinner.
Having spent so much time in London, it felt like I should be able to walk out my front door, round the corner,
to wait for a double-decker bus with Sarabeth and get a bite to eat at a local pub.
I miss the city, but as I write, Sarabeth is in a plane somewhere over the ocean, headed for home.
I resisted the urge to run, and instead rustled up something for dinner. Having a second 'fridge downstairs (thankfully), I must have stepped up and down those stairs 50 times. Each time I did, I imagined I was headed to the subway or underground. Walking back up, I envisioned myself emerging from Picadilly Station
or in the middle of downtown Seoul.
Maybe, just maybe, the reason my eyes itch and water as the grass turns green, my nose runs and I sneeze as soon as the trees bloom, and I cough with congestion as the weeds grow wild making it difficult to breathe is all just God attempt at letting me know, I belong in the City.
In my heart is a city girl fighting to get out of the country.
Ah discovering that maybe the urban life is for you! Great post! Btw, I really love the picture of you and dad at night with Seoul tower in the background, it is too awesome!
i know EXACTLY how you feel! city life is the life for me :) Christopher told me about the bloodwork! Whoa! I think Mr.Kim is looking for teachers to take over our positions - do you want me to put in a good word?? :)
Oh my! Thanks for the encouraging words you two. Hahaha, Lauren, only if you were staying too.
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