Saturday, October 01, 2011

Thinking Of You

I thought of you today.  Cruising down the highway, my hair blowing in the wind, I felt the warmth of the Colorado sun beaming down on me.  I smiled.

It wasn't because it felt like a beautiful summer day, that I thought of you.  You love Autumn's gentle breezes and cooler temperatures.  I thrive in the heat of summer.

It wasn't the melodies I sang, as the tunes reverberated through my car.  Although music soothes  and satisfies the rhythms of my soul.

It was delight.  It was pleasure.  It was joy in my heart that I thought of you today. 

Rich and full,  I cannot imagine life without you.

God's creation is magnificent; His plan for family genius.  Marriage is a wondrous relationship and I wouldn't want to experience it with anyone else.

1 comment:

Michael Haws said...

Thanks Sweetie!!!!! Can't wait to return to your loving arms!!!!