Tuesday, May 08, 2012

What's Going On In Your World

What's going on in your world?  May, the month of end-of-the-school-year madness is over. My second May in 26 years that I'm not living the craziness.  I feel like I'm in a Twilight Zone.  I must find my new normal.

Don't get me wrong, I actually enjoy not having every night of the week filled with scheduled activities.  The experience of going to bed late and sleeping late for an entire school year was something I've always wanted to experience. And experience it I did.  So what's the problem?  Summer is no longer the sweet anticipation it used to be.  Summer has slipped into just another season.

I used to wait for barefoot summers, when it doesn't matter if children have outgrown their shoes.  Lazy play that lasts the entire day, and into the night.  Books that are read strictly for enjoyment.  No take-home folders to sign, no coats to find. No early morning lunches to make or late night runs to the store-unless we crave ice cream.  I am already enjoying these pleasures, so what allure does summer hold?

The month of May is usually crammed full of end-of-the school activities: multiple field days, athletic events, teacher appreciation, banquets, graduations, concerts, award ceremonies, endless studying for finals...and sandwiched in their is Mother's Day.  (As if we have time to set aside to be celebrated.)

 Last year was the my first May to just enjoy the weather.  I didn't know what to do with myself.  I kept feeling like I should be doing more.  Checking the calendar frantically, to make sure I hadn't forgot to bake cookies or attend an evening event, I found nothing had been forgotten. Nobody needed me for anything, absolutely NOTHING.  I was having a hard time wrapping myself around this new found lack of madness.

We are 8 days into May.  So far, so good, but I still haven't quite gotten the hang of a quiet May.  May, the month leading up to Summer, is just another month.  Summer is turning into just another season, except for a few things.

This summer we are having a wedding!  An outdoor wedding, with everyone here.

 I can't wait for Summer to begin.

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