Monday, March 11, 2013


Why, in the 21st century, do we continue to participate in Daylight Savings Time?  If we covet more daylight hours in the evening, why don't we stay on DST year round?  Sure, many would argue that if we did that, kids would be standing in the dark, waiting for school buses to arrive.  I found that this happened regardless of whether or not we were on DST or standard time.  So let's pick one and stick with it.

The arguments once used to validate changing to DST really no longer apply.  I won't bore you with all of the arguments of saving energy by using natural lighting and such.  It doesn't happen anyway.  Many people indoors have their lights on in the daylight anyway.  We will use electricity regardless of the time.  Construction work on freeways is often done in the middle of the night thanks to portable and fixed lighting.  If we really want to adjust our lives to the operation of the sun, we should be daily adjusting the time work/school starts according to the sunrise. That would make way more sense than twice-a-year change does.

Why do we torture ourselves with something as ridiculous as springing forward and falling back?  Babies and children don't understand the concept.  We both suffer until we manage to trick ourselves into the new time schedule.  It is RIDICULOUS.  Just because the actual change happens very early Sunday morning, doesn't give us time to adjust.  That takes weeks.  The older I get the more my body protests such change.  Why do we do this to ourselves, our children, even our pets?

 Sure, the pet owner who has a dog that wakes him up every morning at 4 a.m. probably loves springing forward with the hope that the dog never catches on to what has happened.  In the Fall, that one night of extra sleep doesn't mean much when that same dog now wakes up at 4 again.

Please, for the love of sleep, can we quit the nonsense of twice-a-year changing of the time?  Maybe it is time to move to Arizona, the smartest state in America.  They don't want or need the extra hour of daylight.


"Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs and seasons, and for days and years" Gen. 1:14


Lauren said...

100% agreed. Waking up in the dark for work is so hard.

~Tammy~ said...

I have seen people writing what I cannot fathom as SERIOUS letters to the editor complaining about daylight savings time CAUSING Global Warming. They cannot grasp the simple fact that time is an arbitrary concept. Those folks are against daylight savings for the good of our planet! (LOL) I agree, it stinks!

PS hope you have a happy birthday tomorrow!

Truth said...

Tammy, that is actually funny. Some people, lol. Thanks for the birthday wishes.

Lauren, I hope by May it isn't dark in the mornings anymore.