Sunday, January 05, 2014

End Of Year Review Part 3

July was a big month. It began with a burst of anticipation of the birth of our first granddaughter. While we waited, our time was filled with games.

We take our games very seriously.
We are a very competitive family.
Ivydee arrived July 7. We could hardly wait to meet her and spent time Face Timing as often as possible.
July 14th was Ethan's 11th birthday.
 At the end of the day, we were surprised with the news that Ethan was going to be a big brother.
A week later, Michael and I flew to New Orleans, to meet out second grandchild.
Neither of us had ever been to New Orleans.

 It was quite the experience, but obviously the best part was meeting Ivydee and spending time with Christopher and Lauren.

We shared our time with Lauren's parents. I have to say what an honor and privilege it is to share the title of grandparent with these folks.
Michael and I figured we had to take a swamp tour while in the land of swamps.  It was not only fun but entertaining,

and beautiful.

From New Orleans I flew to Michigan for the wedding of Lauren's brother.
The last 2 days spent in Michigan, I met up with some online friends and had a blast.
 Whew!  July was a big month.  I will have to break this End-of-the-year review into an extra part, since July was a full post.

"So God made the giant sea monsters and all the living creatures that swim in the ocean. He also made every kind of bird. God looked at what he had done, and it was good." (Gen 1:21)

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