Saturday, January 11, 2014

End Of The Year Final

November began with a baby shower.
The theme was Classic Winnie The Pooh.
 We had honey pots,
 honey pots,
Hundred Acre Woods,

 honey pots
Kanga, Rabbit,
and pots
and pots
of honey
 and Ethan.
It was great to have my mom, sister, and niece come from Arizona.
The weather was warm and we spent a lot of time outdoors.
 A week later, I went on a trip to Arizona.
 I met the twins, (Sarabeth is holding Zachary, I'm in the background with Natalie)
and went to my nieces baby shower.
We finished November by celebrating Christina and Danny's new home purchase
and Thanksgiving.
 I have much to be thankful for.
December began with an unexpected visit from Lauren and Ivydee. 
Lauren's grandmother passed away, leaving Ivydee with only 2 great grandmothers.
We then spent a week in Arizona with family. My sister-in-law is cancer free and we attended her daughter's wedding while there. It was quite a celebration.
Danny and Christina hosted Christmas this year.  
What a blessing to stay overnight in their home and watch Ethan open presents.
We ended the year with a tribute birthday for Michael's 60th birthday. 
We laughed
We cried
We toasted
 We kissed
Happy New Year!


"Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. I thank my God upon every remembrance of you,  always in every prayer of mine making request for you all with joy"

Tuesday, January 07, 2014

End Of Year Part 4

August brought the family together.

Christopher came with a cast having undergone wrist surgery. Ethan tried to share in Christopher's pain.
Everyone loved seeing Ivydee.
Ethan was thrilled to meet his cousin.
September was fairly quiet. We all need a few quiet days. Michael made a valiant attempt to stop the squirrels from eating our tomatoes. He managed to feed them well.
My great niece and nephew arrived September 8th.
October was full of surprises. 
A gender reveal party
 revealed "It's a boy!" Elated shouts from all.
 On October 18th, we had an unexpected visit from Brian.
He asked for our daughter's hand in marriage. 

A trip to Vail was planned under the guise of a photography session with Ryan and Hilary.
Elisabeth had no idea this was coming.
She was in disbelief,
Then tears.
 She said yes.
The happy couple will wed later this year!

"If you can find a truly good wife, she is worth more than precious gems!" (Proverbs 31:10)