Saturday, February 03, 2007

Phone Calls You Don't Want To Get

This was one of those weeks that you don't even want to hear the phone ring. It started last Sunday night.

Michael received this one from Elisabeth (our 19 year old)

"Dad, (pause, sniffle) Brian's dad just died."

Tuesday night another call came in. Michael answered it.

"Mike, this is Jeri (his sister.) Dad just took mom to the hospital."

Wednesday Evening-another one Michael had the privilege of receiving

"Dad, (long pause) Brian and I just slid into another car. I was on the way to the chiropractor because my back was hurting so bad. Brian was driving and the roads are real slick..."

Thursday Afternoon (I answered this one from my oldest, Christina)

"Mom, my car just hit a concrete barrier in the middle of the highway."

Later that night Jeri phoned again.

"Mike, can you come down? We are worried about dad being alone while mom is still in the hospital."

It is Saturday morning. Michael is in Arizona with his parents and I'm on my way to a funeral. If the phone rings, I'm not answering.


Penny said...

Thanks for stopping by. I really love the picture and verse that you have on your blog. I'm sorry for the week you've had. I hope the worst is over. Sounds like you are in the "sandwich" generation; still looking after kids at home and having to care for aging parents. So am I. We are also experiencing the most bitter cold spell, averaging -35 - -45 with the windchill. BRRRR! The roads are icy and dangerous. I hope I don't get any of those phonecalls.

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

Oh! I don't blame you. I'm so sorry.

Melanie said...

Oh, no! I wouldn't want to answer the phone either! Praying for your family.

Lori said...

Oh my!!! (((Hugs)))

Carolanne said...

I'm sorry you've had a week like that and are praying strength for you.
If I had your phone number, I'd be tempted to call you just so you can have a happy phone call - seriously!

Lisa said...


Heth said...

What a week Joanne.

Anonymous said...

Hoping for a better week for you and praying everyone is doing well.


Shelby said...

I'm sorry too. Those are the worst calls. Take care.

Paula said...

What a run of bad news! Hope this week is a good one.