Blogger Reflection Award: this award should make an individual reflect upon five bloggers who have been an encouragement, a source of love, impacted you in some way, and who have provided a Godly example. In other words, five dear bloggers whom, when you reflect upon them, you are filled with a sense of pride and joy. . .of knowing them and being blessed by them.
Lori, at View From Our Porch Swing posted this on her blog after being nominated. She went on to give me this award with these encouraging words: Joanne is a beautiful faithfilled woman. She's very intelligent and carries a very tender heart. She has 5 beautiful children and has been blessed with a beautiful grandchild. Hearing about her wonderful family puts a smile on my face. She's truly an inspiration to me. I am so honored to have the opportunity to choose you, Joanne, for this wonderful award.
I don't know what to say. I felt blessed, honored, and humbled. I'd like to share the same encouragement with 5 fellow bloggers. Before I do, I'd like to say Lori is a lovely lady. Please visit her blog if you haven't already. She is such an inspiration!
Here are my 5 choices: Heth @ From Under The Laundry Pile. Heather is a young mom of 7 little clothes wearers. She was one of the first people to comment on my blog. Her sweet comments on every one of my posts encouraged me to keep blogging. As busy as I know she must be, her posts reflect grace and a love for her family. Some of my favorite posts are the way she tenderly describes her growing up years, especially the faith of her father. Heather knows how to have fun and create laughter within her home. I was very blessed to meet Heather online AND in real life.
"We were filled with laughter,and we sang for joy. And the other nations said, 'What amazing things the Lord has done for them." Psalm 126:2
Carolanne @ C Outside The Box. Carolanne lives in Australia. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and shares it generously. Not only does she share online, but with her students. Carolanne is a teacher. She doesn't teach with words alone, although she expresses herself wonderfully through words. Others learn about love & faith through her actions. Carolanne is one you can trust to be open and honest. She is a trusted friend. Oh, and she's also a great photographer.
"My soul will be satisfied as with the richest of foods; with singing lips my mouth will praise you." (Psalm 63:5)
Mopsy @ Lifenut. Mopsy is another young mom with lots of children. Mopsy is a deep thinker. She motivates me to dig a little deeper. She's walked through a few valleys and mountaintops, but her faith shines brightly at all times. As we walk through this life, we encounter bruising. Mopsy displays her bruises courageously-which makes her so very approachable.
She is a great mom to her children, creating wonderful memories for them.
"Her husband can trust her, and she will greatly enrich his life." Proverbs 31:11
Singing Owl @ The Owl's Song This lovely lady is not afraid to step out and be bold. (How else could she maintain her position as a pastor?) She tackles difficult subjects with grace and speaks the truth in love. Her newest title is grandma. Her granddaughter has increased her life with more love and nurturing. Singing Owl is filled with joy and shares it with others.
"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Thy sight, O LORD, my Strength and my Redeemer." Psalm 19:14
Anne of Cooking With Anne & The Rest Of Me. Anne is the mom of 7 and is a wonderful chef who shares her expertise with all. She prepares delicious meals for her family (a woman after my own heart!) She inspires me to experiment more in my own cooking and introduces me to things I've never heard of. She has a gift for hospitality and giving. I think her gentleness and kindness came from her dad, that she so lovingly speaks of and who went to be with the Lord last year.
"In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths." Proverbs 3:6
Can I really only pick 5???? This leaves out so very many bloggers that regularly encourage me. I wanted to list a whole lot of them, but I'm afraid I might miss someone and leave them out and I would hate to hurt anyone's feelings. I will try and update my blog link and add those who aren't already there. I'm looking forward to seeing who these ladies pass encouragement on to (and no, you don't have to add a scripture, that is just something I chose to do.)
And of course, if I could have chosen Lori I would have. And I'd post this verse for her. "But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord." Joshua 24:15
Aw shucks.Thanks Joanne.
Oh, how ver lovely! Thank you, dear Joanne. I've been kind of out of commission, but I'm tryng to do some blog reading and catch up. Thank you again for your gracious words....it makes me so happy to bless someone with--of all things--a BLOG! (((( YOU ))))
Wow Joanne,
This is really sweet, and kind of encourages new bloggers like us. I hope I get featured here soemday too:) hahahaa...but I have a long way to go, yet I'd like to thank you for doing a post like this!!
Joanne, I had no idea. You're so sweet to think of me!
Wow, thank you very much, Joanne. You are so sweet to think of me, and your words are *really* encouraging. I hope we can meet soon.
Thank you for this award and for sharing your reasons. Thanks for the encouragement!
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