Believe it or not, this was the first time ever, that I was glad we weren't sitting in church together.

I know. You all are shocked. But did you look closely?

Maybe it was dark when he got dressed.
But truthfully Michael, anytime you want to wear your shirt inside out and go to church with me, you are more than welcome. I'll even sit next to you and I won't pretend I don't know you.
Too funny!!! :-)
Give Mike a break. He's probably so focused on insuring you have eye liner applied correctly and down playing the recent hair event, that he just wants to be supportive. Getting his shirt on right-side out is understandably not a high priority. :) Larry
This is so funny! How ironic that just this last Sunday at church a lady sitting ahead of me had a long sticker on the back of her newly bought pants that had the size on it.
Funny stuff.
Larry, you are hilarious! You really should have a blog of your own.
Lori, I wonder what that poor lady thought when she finally figured it out. But I'm guilty of the same thing. Thankfully someone noticed BEFORE I left the house.
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