Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Christmas Shopping

I began my Christmas shopping yesterday and found out why it is NOT a good idea to wait so long to start. I thought I would attack it again today-early! I awoke at 6, as usual, then went to wake up my girls for school. When I opened my bedroom door, I could hear chatter. This is very unusual. It is rare that anyone awakens before me. I could see the glow of the television and gleeful sounds filling the room.

"What is going on?"

The girls were dancing around, arms linked. One had the phone to her ear conversing at the same time. Hilary ran up, grabbed me as she sang, "snow day, snow day!"

You've got to be kidding. My kids never get a snow day, well, once every 4 or 5 years. I looked out the window. There was a frosty dusting, but where was this snow that would cause such an interruption to my plans?

The girls assured me that it indeed was true. They showed me on the computer screen and again on the t.v.

Blizzard Warnings. 16-24 inches of snow expected.

Yikes! Doesn't anyone realize the students have final exams today? What about my Christmas shopping?

Looks like a good day to decorate that artificial tree we put together last night. It is our first fake tree ever. Where is the smell of Christmas? The tree is the one scent that lingers, unlike the freshly baked goodies. I love waking up and breathing in the outdoor air of pine. I'd settle for warm cookies today if I had the ingredients to bake them.

Time to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. Our Savior's birth.

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(It's beginning to snow.)


Anonymous said...

hay a fake tree is a start
and just put off that shopping one more day

Anonymous said...

With homeschool there are no snow days! *BWAHAHA*

How much snow did you end up with? Able to shop after all?