Thursday, September 27, 2007

During our winter trips to Arizona, my father-in-law and I used to take walks around the neighborhood. I was often pushing a stroller, coaxing a little one to sleep. I noticed when it was the just the two of us, dad-in-law would sometimes switch to the other side of the sidewalk he was walking. I was a little puzzled, but figured it must be a preferance, like choosing which side of the bed to sleep. He explained one day that he was merely staying on the outside. By walking closest to the street, it was a gentleman's way of being a shield of sorts. What a thoughtful gesture.

My dad modeled similar masculine niceties. While standing in a fast food line at the delectable Jack-in-the-box, my dad asked me what I was having. As usual, I had diffuculty making a choice. It had been years since I was in a Jack. After studying the menu, I finally chose 2 tacos. Dad placed the order. He ordered MY food. To some, this might not mean much, but to me it is a big deal. It is a comfort/security thing, like my husband answering the door or telephone. I can't explain why it is so meaningful, but it is. I can rest and be at ease, knowing someone else is watching out for me.

Men are an example of the Father when they tenderly walk in their masculine roles. Manners-a way to portray the gentle, caring ways of our heavenly father.


Anonymous said...

After an 11 year hiatus, Jack in the Box makes its return to Colorado, the restaurant will re-open in the state. FYI

Truth said...

LOL, thanks Christopher. I just saw one being built at the Mills-woohoo! Jack-in-the-box, here I come.

Anonymous said...

I don't know if I would be that quick to run back to Jack in the Box, one more FYI for you:

...but that was in Tucson so it really doesn't count...(my apologies to anybody who lives in Tucson.)

Ann said...

I've never been to a Jack in the Box. We didn't have them in Iowa, and they don't seem to be here, either. I really miss Taco John's which they had in Iowa but not here (far superior to Taco Bell, you gotta love those potato oles!).

I love your last paragraph!!!

Natalia said...

Joanne, I found your post so insightful and timely! I've been wondering what's wrong with me that I hate phone calls and making outside arrangements for things, and maybe something is ;) but I think this is definitely part of it. And I'm not a wallflower female (usually! lol). This perspective is so positive.

Thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely post. It is too bad younger men seem to be afraid to be the gentleman. Luckily, I am married to one of the few.

I was SO EXCITED to see Jack in the Box coming back! We noticed the one being built in Arvada, right by our church. So there is one by the Mills, too?

Carolanne said...

"Men are an example of the Father when they tenderly walk in their masculine roles. Manners-a way to portray the gentle, caring ways of our heavenly father."

Amen to that!

Kristin said...

Hi Joanne -- nice post! I so agree. How quickly (and foolishly) our society has sought to kill those kinds of gallant efforts. Thanks for stopping by my blog and sharing yours.

Lori said...

I've noticed this also. It's a real shame. I'm trying to teach my boys how to be a gentlemen. There friends don't have a clue.

Also Joanne, I will be making my blog available by invitation only. If you are interested, pop by my blog and let me know!