Sigh. This school year has not started well for Ethan. I've mentioned this before. Christina was at the school helping him eat lunch. The teacher came over and announced, "Ethan didn't have a good day." She went on to explain that Ethan had pulled the principal's hair and wouldn't let go. And the worst part? She was "so embarrassed." Embarrassed???? For what reason? Was she appalled at his behavior, ashamed of Ethan,or was she mortified because she, as his teacher, was clueless as to how to deal with the situation? I sure hope her embarrassement was a result of her own inadequacies and NOT by my precious grandson. How could this little boy humiliate anyone?

By the way, Sunday began Deaf Awareness Week. It is my desire to learn ASL in order to be able to communicate with the those in the deaf community. Every individual should be able to hear the Gospel in his own language. This sign goes out to all, but especially to Ethan:

I love you
Okay, did the teacher say all of that in front of Ethan? If so, that is just awful :( My heart really goes out to Ethan and his mom.
That was really touching, your photo of signing "I love you."
Well since the teacher didn't obviously know how to deal with the situation, I hope the principal did! I hope he was a lot more understanding and loving than the teacher!
My Zander has the same tractor :) I use the love sign with my boys too.
I really hope that they don't mean HE humiliated her!
Big hugs!! I know how difficult it is when the teachers don't understand your child.
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