Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Thank-you, Thank-you, Thank-you

I need to say thank-you, to two gentlemen. (Or were they?) I don't know who they are or where they came from. I didn't ask their names and barely saw their faces. They appeared within 2 minutes of my car spinning 180 degrees and landing just off the side of the road.

I didn't hit anything, but the car was stuck in the snow. I tried going forward, then back. I was only successful at wedging us deeper in the slush and ice. Hilary looked at me and I at her. I was glad she hadn't been driving. We both reached for our cell phones.

Outside the window, I saw a truck stop on the shoulder of the road. Two men got out. I rolled down the window. Brrr....it was 21 degrees outside. One man asked if we were stuck. The other walked to the rear of the car to take a look. Then without speaking, they backed their truck up next to us, hitched a chain, and pulled us up out of the ditch. I offered my thanks and cash, but they both refused and waved me along, as they placed the tow rope in the back of their pickup truck. Good Samaritans they were, (or were they angels?) Thank-you! Thank-you! Thank-you!

Do you know what the truly amazing part was? Before I left to pick Hilary up from practice, I grabbed a light weight jacket. But before I took another step, the thought hit me, "what if you were in an accident? Take something warmer." I went to the closet and took out my heavy winter coat. I knew Hilary didn't have her coat either, but I remembered hers was in the back of the car. I know, I didn't even get out of the car so why did I need that coat. Plain and simple, I believe that little voice was the Holy Spirit letting me know ahead of time to be prepared. It is God's way of reminding me that when I am attentive to Him, I can rest assured that He knows what is happening even before it happens. Nothing takes Him by surprise. He is right there with me in the blessings and in the hard times.

I am thankful that He speaks to me in His quiet gentle way. All I have to do is listen. Sometimes I wish He'd yell to get my attention. But He doesn't. As I think about that very first Christmas, and the baby Jesus in a manger, I am reminded of the Lord's gentleness. I need to slow myself down, seek Him first, and listen. And I could stand to be a little more gentle myself.


Anonymous said...

I love hearing about strangers doing generous things; few things are more encouraging :)

Heth said...

Wow. I'm glad you are ok.

Ann said...

How scary to get in an accident. I hate to admit it, but I would have been a little scared about two men approaching my vehicle :( God bless them for helping you and sending you on your way! That really encourages me to be more trusting toward strangers.

PJ said...

Such a wonderful story!! God does indeed prepare us.

I'll never forgot that my mom stopped to pick up two hitchhikers (This was 45 years ago) who looked pretty ragtag. As she stopped, she said to us, "I don't usually do this, but God said I should stop."

The men got in and low and behold they were relatives of some people from our church. We actually knew them. It was cold, they had on ragged coats and gloves.

We had no more than said, "Hello" and "Oh, I know you" than our tire blew out. We were on a deserted stretch of road and had NO money at all for a tow or help. The men changed the tire. My Mom was thanking God the entire time!!

Thanks for reminding me just how God cares for us!!!!


Kristin said...

Oh, I'm glad you are both OK! Those things are SO scary. And I love to hear stories of good Samaritans. My DH worries about things like getting stuck somewhere, so we always have blankets in the car. There are a lot of remote areas around here -- you never know.

His Girl said...

wow. I am so glad to be reminded of His care for us. I'm going to make a special effort today to listen for His voice.
thanks for the reminder

Melanie said...

So glad to hear neither of you was hurt. I'm sure it was scary! And how wonderful for those men to help!

Anonymous said...

And he sends angels with tow ropes! :o)

Glad you and Hilary are okay!

Lori said...

I'm thinking it was a couple of angels! Glad it all worked out.

Jenni said...

beautiful reminders...

Melany aka Supermom said...

It is heart-warming to find that you still get people out there that just want to help. Just because they care for those around them..even if they don't know them