Growing up, my dad referred to these as "thongs." That was back when ladies undergarments were proper, nice and comfy. Panties, underwear, unmentionables, but not thongs. And there was no such monstrosity as a piece of fabric that wedged in the crack of your badonkadonk. (According to the urban dictionary, a badonkadonk is "an extremely curvaceous female behind. Women who possess this feature usually have a small waist that violently explodes into a round and juicy posterior. Other characteristics would be moderately wide hips and a large amount of booty cleavage.")
Back to the original question: thongs, zories, flip-flops...what are these? Michael and I had a discussion about this. I explained that while they are thongs to my dad, mom has always referred to them as goyheads. He had never heard this. He asked his own parents if they'd ever heard the term. Nope. I was sure my mom had NOT made this up. I googled it. Can you believe there wasn't a single entry. I was confused. I wondered if I could possibly be spelling it wrong. I went to the knowledgable wikipedia site. No where to be found. I searched on flip flops. I read through it. Contained in the definition, were the names from various countries that the footwear is known by. Lo and behold, under the U.S. was the word "go-aheads." Oh my goodness! Is that what my mother has been saying all of these years???? Or did we not understand her and said goy-heads and then she started calling them that?
I have a friend who says "birfday." I assume at some point one of her 7 children couldn't pronounce birthday and said "birfday" and it stuck. Is that possibly where I got "goy-heads?" Or does my mom really and truly say "go-aheads" and I've always missed it?
I'll never be able to call them "go-aheads" or "goy heads". I'm going with my dad and calling them thongs. I hope that doesn't end up embarrassing me too.
Mark my words, if you continue to call those flip-flops thongs, at some point humiliation will come.
NOOOOOOO! My mom calls them thongs, even in public, and it's super embarrassing! They are most certainly FLIP FLOPS.
I don't know, maybe I'm wrong, I live pretty far away from you, maybe over there they are thongs *eep!*
I know! Test it out. Go to a Macy's or Younkers, or even Penney's and ask an employee where you can find thongs. See if they lead you to the shoes or the jammie/underwear section.
let us know how that turns out! *giggle*
When I was a kid, they were thongs. Now I call them flip-flops and have taught the kiddos to call them flip-flops so they don't embarrass themselves someday.
Ann has a good idea. I think you'd be taken to the undies section, Joanne!
That is some innnnnteresting stuff, Joanne. I had NEVER heard the term badonkadonk before, but I love it!
I call them "slippahs" because that's what they call them in Hawaii, and since I'm usually pining for such lands, it makes me feel like I can almost hear the surf. I'm delusional that way.
We used to call them thongs too, though, and I guess the underwear is called such now because the string of material goes in your buttcrack the same way the prong on the shoe went through your toecrack.
You all are too funny. I never cared for the flip flop term. The one syllable thong is so much easier to say. What about just flops?
Ann, maybe I will take you up on the test and let everyone know what happens. But does Macy's even carry thongs worn on feet?
Slippahs? I'm going to Hawaii, but I'll be barefoot in the sand. (I won't be wearing a thong bikini or anything that resembles a bikini, lol.) Where are my goyheads?
I called them thongs once at school. The room exploded in giggles behind hands. (It was several years ago at that -- but 8th graders know that underwear isn't always demure!) I've called them FLIP FLOPS since.
We say "Punch Juice". Orange juice, grape juice, pineapple juice, punch juice. Perfectly logical to our four year old. He couldn't be swayed -- so 32 years later we still have punch juice.
I used to call them thongs when I was young, too, but now I call them flip-flops.
I think they do, maybe more expensive leather-type FLIP FLOPS.
Don't you remember the Kerry campaign, Joanne? They're flip-flops! LOL.
When I was a kid, these were called shower shoes. My dad was in the Army and these are what the GIs wore in the showers to avoid athletes foot. I'll always remember dad bringing home some that fit us. ;o)
We call them flip-flops here :)
very witty writing....
thanks for coming by and listening to my music - its always nice to hear that those songs get played every once in a while.
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