Saturday, March 08, 2008

An Anniversary (Part 2)

As the months passed, we began to see a transformation. They were no longer Ed & Betty, living at the Meridian. Upon visiting my inlaws we were stepping into the community they'd immersed themselves. I'd find my mother-in-law, sitting at the puzzle table, just outside her room. She'd introduce me to her friends who were working with her on the current puzzle. They began inviting us to special dinners, like the "Wine & Candelight." What a joy to see them chatting away with so many new friends, pointing out which table they normally sit at and with whom.

Ed began stepping out of his comfort zone. When he comes to dinner, he doesn't seem to mind that we don't eat at 4, or even 5. He ventured downtown with us for Elisabeth's birthday at a ESPN Sports Zone, which is a glorified sports bar. Unless the weather is bad, he insists on going to his doctor appointments without us. He shares about the very informative and interesting talks given by (I wish I could remember the name of the organization.) Even after his heart attack just 6 weeks ago, my father-in-law insisted on driving over here a few days ago, to return a movie we'd loaned him. He came by himself, and we sat on the porch and visited while his lovely wife Elizabeth, was learning the card game Canasta.

Speaking of Elizabeth, I am so impressed. I remembered her saying how much she wished she could go by the name Elizabeth, instead of Betty. When I took her to my hairdresser for the first time, I made the appointment for "Elizabeth" and introduced her as such. She loves reading books with strong, female characters. I think "Elizabeth" sounds bolder than Betty.

Elizabeth stepped out of her comfort zone and began playing Bingo on Saturday nights. She attends exercise classes twice a week, reads with a group of second graders, learned to play Bunco, and ventures down to movie night. She isn't afraid to speak up. When some of the residents began discussing the shortfalls of the dininig hall chef, she joined a committee that meets to see that changes are made.

She was chatting with Sarabeth a few weeks ago. Sarabeth is graduating from high school in May and will go off to college in the Fall. Elizabeth excitedly explained the opportunity opening up before her. "You can be anybody you want to be. No one will know you at college. You can reinvent yourself. Everyone at this school knows you as the same little girl that you were when you started seventh grade. It's hard to change within that environment. Look at me, I've been Betty all of my life. Thanks to this move, I've become Elizabeth and it wasn't until I was 80 years old. I could never have done that living in Arizona."

This year has passed quickly. My inlaws not only survived their first winter in Colorado, but I'd say they were living well. We are so very blessed!


Melanie said...

My Lizzie decided a little over a year ago that she wanted to be Elizabeth (her given name) instead. I've made th switch pretty well, but our extended family and her classmates and other friends (ours and hers) have had trouble making the switch.

Sounds like your IL's are thriving. How wonderful for all! DH's grandma moved into a place that sounds similar to your IL's just 2 summers ago (at then age 88), and she loves it!

Ann said...

That is so awesome, and what Elizabeth said brought me to tears. Beautiful story, Joanne!

His Girl said...

*SIGH* what a wonderful picture of how it can be. this story gives hope to my heart.

Jenni said...

Oh that is such a wonderful tale of re-birth and new beginnings. Thank you for sharing it!

PJ said...

How absolutely wonderful. When your MIL was young, so many choices were not available for women. You were such a blessing in extending her world as "Elizabeth".


Anonymous said...

I happened upon your blog. Isn't our world built with good and bad in it. Where someone is celebrating, someone else is suffering. Decades in one place must mean there are those left behind. Decades of friendships have forever changed or been lost. Was family left behind? Their tale may not be so pleasant. I can't help but wonder what the other side of this story would sound like.


Anonymous said...

^Talk about focusing on the negative in life...I guess the glass is half empty.

Kristin said...

This is timely as my in-laws are moving back here in May. They are doing the 6-months here in the summer and back to FL for the winter. That works well, but the relationship is touchy. I'm glad things are working out for you and your family.

Heth said...

I love that she changed from Betty to Elizabeth.