Tuesday, April 01, 2008

I Stand Corrected or Birthing Revisited

After I posted Birthing, I received an email. It was from my dad. It speaks for itself:

I read your blog for today. I hate to have to tell you this, but your
memory is not a whole lot better than mine. I told your mom what
your blog was about concerning the births and she said I needed to let you know that you have some of the details mixed up.

Greg definitely had bigger shoulders than his head, but the water
didn't break until right before his birth. Since it was Christmas day and Dr. Payne was at home enjoying a family get together when they called him to the hospital in the early evening, he forgot to change shoes and he was wearing a brand new pair of shoes. When the water broke, Dr. Payne jumped back as it burst with a gush and the water poured over the table and off onto the floor and on his brand new pair of shoes. He was hoping that it didn't ruin the new shoes.

The out of body experience came when Laurie was born. The water breaking thing was when you were born. So, all four births had some element of surprise and significance.

The night before you were born we went to the drive-in movie. Carolyn and Greg went to sleep in the back of the car and we watched the movie. We got out of the movie and I looked at the gas gauge on the car and said I better get some gas. Only problem was, I spent my last bit of cash for the movie and those were the days before bank cards and ATM's. Plus, I didn't have any credit to get a gas credit card. So, buying gas would have to wait until after the bank opened and I could get some cash. I made the comment, “I sure hope that baby isn't born tonight.”

Your mom said I didn't need to worry about that. Well, sometime during the night, your mom got up for Greg and in so doing, her water broke. She woke me up and told me what happened. I said, oh great and we have to drive clear in to Phoenix this time, instead of Mesa Southside Hospital where Greg was born. The distance was a lot farther and I wasn't sure we had enough gas to make it. I called a friend and got him out of bed and he came down and took us to the hospital while his wife took care of Greg and Carolyn. Even at that, we just barely made it in time. By the time I completed all the check-in paper work and got back to the OB area, they said you had been born. Wow!!

I stand corrected.


Jenni said...

I love that your dad took the time to email you all that info. My own father would never even be able to get the words out. He was truly detatched and disinterested when it came to any of our births!

It's neat to hear those details and to know that even "back then" labors sometimes began with movies, as so many of my own did. LOL!

Heth said...

Those were fun to read!

Anonymous said...

Aww, how very nice that your Dad shared those details with you. I have never heard anything from my own father about our births. Mine was the one in the middle with nothing out of the ordinary happening, except that I was thought to be a boy and thus had no name. My younger brother was born one month before they let Dad's in the labor room.

I love to read birth storis and have been keeping up with Jenni's.


Ann said...

I love it! That's awesome that your dad reads your blog and emails you :) Heehee, "You don't need to worry about that," says your mom. Haha! That is a great story!

Anonymous said...

I love the story of your birth! How sweet of your dad to email it to you. It's even sweeter that parents never forget those circumstances.