The most unpleasant sound in the morning is standing in the kitchen and hearing your dog wretching behind you, while cooking breakfast and preparing lunches. Worse yet, is not hearing your dog vomit, and slopping in it while wearing fuzzy slipper socks. Ugh!
Let's see...we are on day 21 of this same, stinkin', virus.
Have you ever been called for jury duty? Michael has been wondering why he has never been called. He would really like to have jury duty. A few weeks ago, he received his official notice. Just 2 more weeks and maybe, just maybe, he will be a juror.
Oh, and a week later, I received a jury summons for the Superior Court. Makes me feel, um, superior. It is for the month of May. Let's see, what do I have going on in May...that trip to North Carolina, a graduation and all of the events leading up to it like banquets, baccalaureate, plus all of the end-of-the-school events crammed into the month. I too thought it would be fun to be a juror, now I'm not so sure.
Lastly, this is Autism Awareness Month. I've been spending a lot of time researching autism, and another not-so-well funded or publicized syndrome: Angelman's. Christina took Ethan to the geneticist last week, like she does every year. Each time, it is a new doctor. This doctor remarked that the last geneticist had clinically diagnosed Ethan with Angelman Syndrome.
When he was little, Ethan seemed like he fit this syndrome. He was tested. A defect was found on the same gene, but not exactly the classic defect for diagnosing it. To rule it out or make a diagnosis based on the results, the geneticist requested both parents be tested for this abnormality. If neither parent had it, Ethan would most likely be diagnosed as having Angelman's Syndrome. If one parent had this same defect, and since neither parent has Angelman's syndrome, it would be ruled out that this was the cause of Ethan's issues.
Christina had the test done almost 2 years ago. She did not have the mutation. Ethan's father refused to have the test. Thus, I believe, the reason for Ethan's clinical diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome. (Last week was the first time we'd heard this as his diagnosis.)
It doesn't really matter one way or the other. Ethan will forever be my little angel man.
Let's see...we are on day 21 of this same, stinkin', virus.
Have you ever been called for jury duty? Michael has been wondering why he has never been called. He would really like to have jury duty. A few weeks ago, he received his official notice. Just 2 more weeks and maybe, just maybe, he will be a juror.
Oh, and a week later, I received a jury summons for the Superior Court. Makes me feel, um, superior. It is for the month of May. Let's see, what do I have going on in May...that trip to North Carolina, a graduation and all of the events leading up to it like banquets, baccalaureate, plus all of the end-of-the-school events crammed into the month. I too thought it would be fun to be a juror, now I'm not so sure.
Lastly, this is Autism Awareness Month. I've been spending a lot of time researching autism, and another not-so-well funded or publicized syndrome: Angelman's. Christina took Ethan to the geneticist last week, like she does every year. Each time, it is a new doctor. This doctor remarked that the last geneticist had clinically diagnosed Ethan with Angelman Syndrome.
When he was little, Ethan seemed like he fit this syndrome. He was tested. A defect was found on the same gene, but not exactly the classic defect for diagnosing it. To rule it out or make a diagnosis based on the results, the geneticist requested both parents be tested for this abnormality. If neither parent had it, Ethan would most likely be diagnosed as having Angelman's Syndrome. If one parent had this same defect, and since neither parent has Angelman's syndrome, it would be ruled out that this was the cause of Ethan's issues.
Christina had the test done almost 2 years ago. She did not have the mutation. Ethan's father refused to have the test. Thus, I believe, the reason for Ethan's clinical diagnosis of Angelman Syndrome. (Last week was the first time we'd heard this as his diagnosis.)
It doesn't really matter one way or the other. Ethan will forever be my little angel man.

Day 21?! Your family has reached it's virus limit. Time for it to move on to another house. (just not ours)
Ethan is getting so big! What a sweet, sweet little man.
What a sweetie. Angel, indeed.
You commented on my angel's page, Joshua. Thanks for your visit! Joshua also has a clinical dx of Angelman Syndrome. His nuero is convinced that is what he has though and that they just haven't come up with the test to show it yet, there are so many variations of it. Del +, UBE3A, mosaic, all confuses me! Anyhow, your grandson is beautiful!
Yvonne "Pooh Bear"'s Mama
Ethan is so precious. I would love to see all the pictures, in chronological order, of him tasting the brownie batter. I've seen you post several of them, each time you've made brownies together. It would be a really cute and unique way to show how he's grown and changed over the months (and years as they go by!).
Thought I'd pass this along: Actor Colin Farrell's four-year-old son, James, was born with Angelman Syndrome.
Also, you probably have this link, but just in case you don't: There is a national angelman syndrome foundation ( that gives lots of good info.
Gosh Ethan is a very cute boy! I found your blog from your comment on mine ( One of my first posts was our diagnosis journey (in case you care to read it). Take care, and best wishes.
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