Tuesday, March 25, 2008

A Nice Surprise-Not

In early December, you may recall I was pretty excited. I posted that Ethan was finally going to get the extra help he needed. He was to begin attending an autistic school. Can you believe he hasn't started yet?

Christina was told it would probably be February before he actually got in...you know the logistics, evaluating Ethan to see what his needs are, hiring a teacher, blah, blah, blah. But nothing happened. It gets sort of confusing, something about another child took his spot, he's next on the list...you get the picture. I'm wondering the whole time, what good does moving him so close to the end of the school year??? And what is taking so dang long?

Finally, a couple of weeks ago, Ethan was evaluated. Then came a meeting with the school district head honcho, who holds the power cards to approve, disapprove, allow, disallow-the one who holds the purse strings. The meeting also consisted of the director the Autistic School so she would know what exactly what head honcho was going to allocate for Ethan. It was during this meeting that Christina found out funding was approved for the remainder of the Spring semester, and for the Fall and Spring semester of next year. Sounded great. There was only one problem.

The Autistic School is year round. This means for 5 weeks this summer, there are no funds for Ethan to attend school. The new school said it would not be conducive for Ethan to start and then be absent for 5 weeks. If this was the case, he would not be accepted into their school. Translated: Christina needs to come up with a couple thousand dollars or so, in order for Ethan to attend his new school.

Isn't this a nice surprise?


Ann said...

That's heartbreaking and frustrating. I'll be praying for her, that God will provide that money!!! That song, "God Will Make A Way" is going through my head now.

Heth said...

So frustrating. I'll be praying that the money would be taken care of.

PJ said...

What a bummer! There has to be a way. It's a matter of finding it. I'll be praying for God to make a way, to show Christina the way. He is able AND owns the cattle on a thousand hills. I believe!

Anonymous said...

Is there some kind of grant or title I money? Tell her to call the director of the school and ask her directly what she may suggest. Sometimes they know of things, but do not know how much assistance you might need. There should be some kind of funding out there for him. Keep searching, and best of luck - he sure deserves it!


Ann said...

Hi, Joanne! I don't know what happened with my comments, either. I know that is the second time you've mentioned that you commented but it didn't show up. I'm sorry! I have no clue what it is. I'll ask Heth about it. I know sometimes on my laptop I hit a button (I still haven't figured out which one it is!) that ends up deleting everything I've typed in a comment or email, so frustrating!! Anyway, thanks so much for your comment! (I can't find soft corn tortillas, maybe I'll try flour ones and see what happens. It's always fun to experiment) :)

His Girl said...


Jenni said...

Argh! I can't believe they would dangle the carrot and then snatch it away like that. Sheesh! I hope some way to make it work presents itself soon...withOUT Christina having to find 1K herself!

Dorcas (aka SingingOwl) said...

I'm so sorry. :-( Praying too.

Anonymous said...

If he is supposed to be in this school, the way will appear. Pray, seek, move and watch the Lord provide.

Kristin said...

I'm so sorry, Joanne. How very frustrating for all of you.